Chapter 28: The one where you deal with cars

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“Sup, pipsqueak” Impi greeted.

A grin nearly splitting your face in half, you took in the familiar tall figure in front of you. Long, braided white hair, almost glowing red eyes and a smart black business suit and black high heels that could be used to kill if necessary were the classical Impi look. You knew the woman and she always looked professional, even when caked in flour and eggs (she didn’t allow Zelda and you to try baking anything for two years after that one incident, though).

But for once hidden behind her cold blooded professionalism you could actually see something like relief in her eyes, especially when she calmly stated: “Good to see you’re still in one piece.”

“Aww, you do care” you gave back and she gave an amused eyeroll, her eyes flickering briefly to the Links to assert their danger levels. The near invisible slight twitch of her lips showed that her danger assessment came back successfully and with levels she did not like.

Seeing the near invisible tension building in her muscles and the resulting slight tensions of some the Links you quickly decided to interfere: “Alright, nice to see you again, Impi. Those are my new friends, and guys, that’s Impi and she’s gonna be our ride to a location where you can stay for a while.”

Okay, good, at her name a lot of Links lost some of their tension, now curiosity on their faces instead, Legend not under them. That was positive anyway and you understood why the poor veteran did not lose his tension, familiar faces are not always an indication of the person being necessarily the one they were acting as.

Welp, couldn’t change that now, or could you?

Well, actually you could.

“Would you stop calling me pipsqueak?” you gave out annoyed, watching as your whine drew a small smirk from Legend, finally the near invisible tension also fleeing him. “Never” gave Impi out calmly. “Otherwise I’d have taken your dearest friend’s bribe to only call you Babble.”

“Seriously?” you asked, fake offended. Okay, that drew a chuckle, good job.

“Yes” Impi gave blankly before turning on her heels and stalking away. “Come now, I do not want to get a ticket for stashing the car where it is.”

Shrugging, you followed.

And after only a slight hesitation the Links did so, too.

Okay, admittingly leading people stemming from a medieval fantasy era around a stacked carnival in order to get to the parking lot was not on the list of your brighter ideas yet.

With one hand you quickly pulled Hyrule into continuing his walking when he had stopped to stare in horrified fascination at the nearby rollercoaster while you reached with your other for Wild who had taken his Sheikah Slate out trying to capture everything within it only to realize horrified that it wouldn’t turn on.

“Welcome to the real world, buddy. Technics running on magic ain’t working here. I can feel your pain, but you must move on now. Literally” you stated calmly while pushing him back into moving.

Then you quickly reached out to snag Wind at the back of his tunic when he tried to sneak of, probably trying to rob the nearby sweets cart that had stupidly large cookies on display.

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