Chapter 5: The one where you make a stupid decision

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There are these moments in time where people make stupid decisions in hope of reaching their goals. 

One very nice example was Halloween a few years ago. You and your older brother tried to combat each other in getting the better handmade costume. While six-year-old you had the bright idea to use six rolls of toilet paper to become the best mummy ever, your ten-year-old brother decided that his best choice on becoming an impressively real werewolf was to shave your family's dog and use the fur and a lot of glue for his costume. 

In the end they were both very...good costumes. But the best costume in the end was your mother's. 

She got really pale as if all the blood in her face had been drained away when you both approached her to judge which costume was better. Then her face got really red, like she was imitating a tomato and her eyes got that really dangerous glint she got when she planned something (e.g. serving your father catfood for dinner if he forgot to bring out the trash). It was nothing short of scary and fit with her witch costume scarily perfect.

Needless to say Halloween that year got canceled.

And right then and there while you hid behind a boulder in the most unrealistic real dream you ever experienced you were about to make another stupid decision to get your goal.

But first, let's recap:

While your nice elvish companions had a wild snowball fight (which you started - but Mr. P(r)etty had it coming, hitting him had been an accident, he has zero rights to keep glaring at you), you discretely made yourself scarce.

Anyway, you never were the best in snowball fights because you never were fast enough to form enough snowballs (though your aim was pretty good, if you may say so). So you discretely decided to go exploring. 

Which was pretty dumb in hindsight, but you were freezing through the cloak Cook gave you and had to move. And well, then between the trees there was this creepy guy suddenly right in front of you. He had this stupid red glowing eyes and the rest of him looked like he had just taken a dunk in black paint. And that was not to mention how he appeared out of thin air, right out of the literal shadows, in front of you. 

"And who might you be? I didn't expect someone like you here" he said, his voice mocking and smooth like the oil on which you had managed to slip on a few times when your parent's car had broken down a few years ago. 

And then he grinned and showed sharp stark white teeth that your dentist would kill for to have a look at and answered his own question: "But of all of them, it just had to be you hadn't it? That is quite the coincidence, isn't it? Someone out there must truly love me." 

"What the duck are you talking about?" you finally bring out, irritation overriding surprise. "And who the heck are you? And why can you talk in my language? Shouldn't you join the I-don't-understand train? My dream makes zero sense, no thanks to you." 

"Oh, you're still in denial?" Dark and edgy muttered. "Pity. I'd rather you die in realization that after dying here there won't be a waking up."

"Why would I die? It's only a dream" you countered snappily. "You're not scaring me."

"Well, maybe I don't, but they will" Dark announced, his maniac grin widening: "Happy Nightmares!"

And thus he was gone as he had appeared. And in his place there were a lot of monsters, all of them snow themed. Was that just you or had it gotten colder? 

And was there someone screaming? Oh, okay that one was only you. You promptly stopped screaming, turned on your spot and ran. And then you picked your screaming up to warn your companions. They would understand that you have a problem, probably. 

Babble - Beyond DimensionsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz