Chapter 41: The one where you see it all come crashing down

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In the end you all found each other at the free fall again. Exhausted, done and pretty much sucked dry as you all were, but you’re all back in a group, not even too bad injured even when your brother’s right arm hangs in an entirely wrong angle.

“So…that was something” Zelda tries to break the tension awkwardly. “Is everyone accounted for?”
Time shakes his head: “Four’s still missing. What about your friends?”

Malin pipes up: “We’re good. Oh, and everyone, meet Marina, my childhood friend.”

It’s only then that you notice the pretty redhead making googly eyes at Legend…which he returns? Uhm, okay, weird. You carefully inch closer, hoping to catch snippets of what they were saying that made Legend act so out of character suddenly. Not like he had ever respected your own privacy. Time to return that favor.

“So what now?” Luck voices awkwardly. You tune the rest of the conversation out, focusing on Marina and Legend.

“I can live a thousand lives being unreal as long as you’re real in just one of them” Legend spoke so softly to Marina that you’d almost have missed it. Keyword almost.

And everything screeches to a halt.
“What do you mean, not real? You’re just as real as I am!” you give out confused and alarmed. This exclamation catches his attention. And that of the others, but not that this matters now.

“Oh? Then please, so explain why I am a fictive figure for every child of your world to play as?!” he drawls, glaring. You glare right back, squaring your shoulders, still peeved from earlier.

“Well, easy…” then you pause, blinking.


“Thought so” Legend mumbles bitterly, turning back to Marina.

From the corner of your eyes, you can see Zelda trying to creep away unseen only to have Impi catch her and herd her back to your group. She gives an apologetic grimace mixed with an innocent smile.
“Uhm…well” she starts but you cut her off, feeling disappointment fill you. She had lied to you...and it had ruined the friendship you had with Legend.

“The furry room?” you repeat flatly, your fury barely held back as you glare and cross your arms.

“It’s really not as bad as you think. They only know they’re not real and were made for kid’s entertainment and thus we practically know everything about them. At least they haven’t seen the tumblr posts yet!” she sputters out, trying to find an escape out of the hole she dug herself, looking ready to run but is now held in place by Impi who obviously had caught the gist of what had occurred.

Okay, this was not only not as bad as you thought. It was worse.

“But that’s the thing. They are real!” you explained and you could see your horror mirrored on your best friend’s face. “I do not know how, but they are just as real as you and I.”
“What do you mean? How do you know?”

“Because some of our world came from theirs! We met one of the people on the bus and he fled over here with many others! Our world is just as real as theirs is! Only connected through the magic of these stupid notebooks!” you give out frustrated, patience snapping. “I have no idea why we have their stories as video games, I’m not sure how long ago it was, maybe some of the travelers helped make the series and remembers bits and pieces despite being earthian mindwashed but defacto they are real! Their memories are valid! They exist and so do we!”

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