History 1: The one where they leave

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Hyrule always had a rich history. Hundred and thousands of myths, legends, stories and recorded events across the ages painted a vivid picture of heroism and hope, falling and rising. A promise that it'd always turn out alright in the end, no matter what. It was culture and it made people feel save, because they knew some day someone would come if they ever needed them to.

It happened a few centuries after the last hero's death.

Monsters that had been slayed and cast away returned and the peace Hyrule had known all these years died with the people. And yet when the population started to dwindle down to only hundreds and almost all of the royal family was gone no promised hero had ever come. Soon people rapidly started to lose both hope and faith and fell into deep despair.

That was when some brave souls decided to pick up their weapons against the sheer endless enemy horde, seeing as the promised hero would not appear. And they all fell.

The once mighty country was turned into a destroyed land, wasted away and lost. And so most of the few people that were still alive decided they wanted to leave. But where to go?

And so they asked the goddesses for a path to follow, seeing as it was their fault it had come so far as they hadn't sent a hero to save them.

A young priestess climbed day in day out for many years the steps to the highest mountain to pray for mercy for her people. And once she was born, the priestess took with her the only daughter that was left to royal bloodline.

What the people didn't know was that the hero came whenever a forgotten goddess sent him, and the three goddesses they had been praying to all the time had no influence about when.

And so they were just as despairing as their people, because while they had incredible power, they were not omnipotent.

And the three goddesses, though they loved their people and didn't want them to leave, realized that this was the only way for them to survive and thus decided to let them go.

Because if they continued to hesitate, in that timeline then next to none would be left and those handful of people left would soon grow old and die as most of the people already had. But at least the even fewer people left would manage to reform society from scratch as soon as the next reincarnation circle would near, the goddesses told themselves. And the people who had left would survive and maybe their descendants would someday return.

And thus to ease the goodbye from their old world and help those who left, the goddesses took an old gift, so old it had almost become forgotten by history, and returned it to their people - the Lightforce, not the Triforce, because the Triforce may never leave Hyrule lest the land shall wither and die irreversibly - and changed it slightly to help and guide the people in their new world.

When the young priestess came down from the mountain that day she clutched the young princess within her arms and the baby clutched a beautiful gold and silver book.

A book that could bent reality and open portals to even other dimensions.

The people thanked their goddesses profoundly and the leavers opened a portal with the changed book to another world, a new dimension. This dimension was close to theirs and was one of the few that would accept otherworldly travelers in it.

But halfway into the long journey, which the goddesses managed to watch due to the tunnel belonging to their influence sphere, the goddesses suddenly without warning tried to call the travelers back, but the leavers were already too far into the new universe.

And new universe was a greedy thing. It wanted to have more, more and did not want to let the travelers go, because the new universe was greedy and didn't want to give back what it just gotten.

Thus a two-sided tug war between the goddesses and the other universe happened, all over the tunnel made by the changed Lightforce.

The priestess holding the book and guiding the travelers screamed, as did her father watching her wide eyed and panicked, trying desperately to keep the travelers in line and going forward.

Then, under the strain, the Lightforce broke into two parts, a wave of incredible magic practically catapulting the travelers into their new world, ripping apart the priestess in the process and eradicating her from existence, as her father horrified father watched.

One part stayed where the tug war had happened, keeping a small hole for the goddesses to lurk through open. They saw the new and greedy and cold universe and were appalled.

But this fight had also saved their timeline for a few years. The force released from broken Lightforce had cleaned and healed the lost land, but the goddesses also knew that after some time the dark influence would return.

And so they travelled slightly into the past to send dreams and inspirations, thus changing the other universe's history slightly by influencing their creators, intermingling the universes forever, thus giving a tiny piece of their old world to the travelers, hoping that it may be enough to guide the lost home and thus saving this part of the timeline after all.

The second part was flung into the new universe together with the travelers, where it was quickly unchangeable ingrained into the history of the new world, the new universe, and the travelers' memories were erased and replaced to fit their new home, as were their bodies.

Only the now dead priestess' crying father, as he sat there, where he had been spat out clutching the second part of the light force, was spared from the change for now and vowed that her sacrifice would not be in vain and the people would get the chance to their best in this new life.

And so he travelled far away and buried the second part and as he buried the book he buried his memories as he gained a new name, a new language, a new life and lost his old one.

Because the new dimension was greedy and did not like the supernatural it erased all traces, only not succeeding in the too magical piece of the Lightforce and the space where the goddesses lurked through, supported through the other piece of the Lightforce.

It would only be many years later that a young man searching for his path in life would stumble over the buried part of the Lightforce. And he'd accidently use it to start a new series of events that would finally lead to the launch of a new beginning.

A beginning with a piece of a bus full of people falling through time and space.

Back into Hyrule.

And under these unfortunate souls was also the now aged priestess' father, who as soon as his feet touched homeland, regained the buried memories.

And he'd look up at the heavens and curse and then he'd start finally mourning the daughter whose existence had been erased from his mind until then.

And then he'd start walking to find what was left of civilization.

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