Interlude 4: The one where they stop them from burning down the house

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When Luck was younger he loved his name. When he was twelve, he had even taken it as far as to use it to make lots and lots of puns with it, to the point where he punned at least every time he spoke - a time at which his younger sibling threatened to set him on fire if he didn’t stop.

(He didn’t and so he had been ridiculously lucky that the family had a fire extinguisher. His little monster hadn’t even been sorry in the slightest while their parents gave them a stern talking to and so to keep the incident from not repeating he toned his punning a little down.)

His parents had fought a war over his name when his mother had been pregnant with him, he’d been told. His father, an absolute geek, had wanted to name him after a freaking videogame character. His mother wanted to give him something more normal. But seeing as both wouldn’t budge from their positions they had a monthlong fight over it. Then his mother started sending his father on ridiculous fetch quests for imaginary cravings in hope of deterring him, seeing as the man had absolutely loved them in his videogames.

Luck must admit, after he had taken a look at the things his father got for his mother he was both impressed and terrified of the power of women.

In the end his mother won because his father simply couldn’t get his hands on the imaginative product his mother had told him to get – she had invented the thing herself, made her own web side about it under a pseudonym and got even some friends to act as workers to take on phone calls telling the caller “Sorry, we’re sold out”.

She guarded that little secret fiercely until after his name was already on all official documents, a point at when the two of them had luckily already come to a manageable compromise. His father had been so awestruck by her completely thought through scheme that he hadn’t even had it within him to be angry at her.

And well, he had later gotten to choose his second child’s name with some input of his wife, so that was okay, too.

Through most of his life Luck had thought himself to be lucky. He had good grades, good friends, a good home, loving parents and lovely pets. He had an absolutely adorable little monster that kept stealing his clothes “for good luck”. He had a best friend in a beautiful red head, later crush, later girlfriend, later fiancé.

And both of them knew how to turn the tides around until he was so sick of hearing puns of his name that he would leave the room or run away from them if possible, thus paying him more than back from his pun usage, up to the point where he started developing a slight distaste for his own name. Unfortunately for him that didn’t deter them for they had years to pay him back and make him regret his earlier life choices.

But that didn’t change the fact he loved his life because everything was perfect.

Until suddenly it wasn’t.

Because when he had been sixteen and suddenly held the still and bleeding form of his little sibling in his arms, something had snapped within him. He hated the people who had dared to hurt his little monster so they might successfully kidnap their best friend for some easy money. He hated his name because how was he lucky if he wasn’t there to stop this from happening? He had never been as scared and lost as he had felt that moment, all the confidence and luck he had over the years shattered within seconds.

It was the moment when he had decided to become a lawyer and get every single one of these monsters behind bars for the rest of their lives.

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