Chapter 17: The one where they duck up

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A magical notebook, huh? While that sounded like a joke, it still seemed to have hit Babble, the mystery, the stranger, hard.

And that was when Legend realized that it had to be true, as weird as it sounded. It might seem paranoid, but this paranoia had kept Legend alive for all of his adventures and even after.

How had the others started to trust that stranger so easily?

Easy, the kid seemed as dangerous as a teddy bear. Cute, unable to properly talk and unknowing about the most basic dangers.

But there were also all those little things that didn’t sum up, because they were just too fitting.

Of all people the kid ran into, it was them. Babble got chased by monsters which they purposefully lead to them not once, but twice. And, oh wonder, when the kid actually fought it was in fact decent enough. Why hadn’t they then tried to defend themselves sooner and instead guided the Links into trouble?

And why had they been found in Wild’s Hyrule when, according to the postman they should be in a completely different universe? If there was another Hyrule which was connected to another dimension shouldn’t there be a hero also? A hero they should have met long ago if the usual pattern was to be believed instead of some wannabe damsel in distress Babble? Then why, if there was a complete other Hyrule, hadn’t they all been transported there yet?

Oh, and let’s not forget why had they come from the place in the timeline where things seemed to have gone even more downwards than even Hyrule’s already really sh*tty Hyrule? To get pity, of course, because it was so bad that Babble’s people themselves didn’t even live there anymore and fled to a whole other dimension.

And how did this other guy from the dimension next over end up here and why was he called of all things Ga(whatever)non? Who also apparently was a friend of little “innocent” Babble?

And how had Babble gotten their hands upon Legend’s secret song, the one he had never told anyone about, the one he had never played outside a world made of dreams?

Also, if Babble was really that frightened by their standards strange worlds they were travelling through, shouldn’t they have done their best to adapt and learn their language and not the other way around by forcing their mindpower on learning their language and doing everything in their might to stand out?

This all pointed to one thing, which Legend didn’t very much like. It showed that there was a high chance of Babble actually being a spy for Dark Link or another bad guy, who was sent to infiltrate them and destroy them from the inside. Their story being nothing than a very detailed farce.

And Legend had miraculously managed as the only one to look right through it.

But this all hung on one concept: the magical notebooks.

Because being a spy would be extremely unuseful without a possibility to report back. Because Babble was always with at least one Link a time there was no way for them to sneak away and secretly report, and at night they always had someone guarding the others so there was no way, too.

But if their notebook, and Legend had for a fact seen Babble possessing and using one, was magical there was a definite possibility of Babble using it to contact the outside and give prize everything they had learned about them. Especially if there was a second notebook connected to theirs, which was now learning about that elusive friend of theirs entirely too likely. Why else would he hunt so desperately after missing pages if they did not contain vital information over the ones he planned to exterminate?

Ganon was Ganon after all, no matter if he had one n or two n and it was sure that he planned together with Dark Link to get rid of the nuisance that was the bearers of the hero’s spirit to finally reach his goals, whatever they were this time. And Babble was probably their henchmen.

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