Chronicles 2: The one where he starts a revolution

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Gannon was very used to having bad days by now. Like seriously, it was like fate had it out for him. See, he didn’t want to bother that nice farmer more than necessary. Especially since she was married to the hero and Gannon definitely wasn’t going to risk being mistaken for Ganon in case he was the type to stab first and ask questions later.

So he left.

He should have stayed.

Creepy inky after all was still after him and apparently journal stealing was becoming a sport as well as Gannon hunting. 

Aside from the fact in villages and towns they kept thinking him Gerudo and basically throwing him out. So…fun.

Bad days all around and the young man was starting to wonder what he did in a past life to gather that much negative karma. Because on top of everything bad going on, he also used up his last cigarette.

Oh, the joys of nicotine withdrawal.

He thought he passed out a few times during the next few days. Risk meeting a stabby husband by returning to the farm. Thing is…he got really lost. It’s been a while since he played this particular game. And between not enough food things do tend to get kinda fuzzy.

And unfortunately when things go fuzzy in this world, bad things happen. Thankfully Gannon was more or less able to trace back what happened usually.

This time around, Gannon also didn't know how he ended up in this situation. He wasn't sure he wanted to know.

His grip on his notebook was tight enough to make his knuckles go white. It was only merciful mockery that spared him the loss of it. The dark skinned women had taken it, read a few pages and then tossed it back at him laughing, his secret thoughts and feelings exposed. 

As grateful as he was to be able to keep the journal after working so hard to keep it from shadow guy, it stung his pride.

Not as much as it stung to be poked by several very sharp weapons though. Or the way the cold metal chains he was tied up in basically head to toe bit into his exposed skin.

Gannon liked strong women. He really did, promise. If a woman could step on him, he'd worship her - so sue him for being a simp.

The thing is…these women - Gerudo - were stepping all over him and weren't interested at all in being worshipped, unfortunately. In fact they were rather murderous…

"I found him lurking outside the fortress" a younger, less authoritative Gerudo, likely a lower rank, reported to an older one. Yeah, no, Gannon wasn't lurking. He was hiding from inky black dude who was still after his journal and giving him the creeps. Sadly, they hadn’t believed him when he told them that.

In fact, none of the women present were interested in any way in that. "I wanted to kill him but Leya stopped me. So we took his weapons and tossed him in the cell to await his trial."

"He is a man who intruded. I say we execute him" another murderous badass lady said. Oh, yikes. Well, Gannon really didn’t want to die even if there probably worse ways than being killed by Gerudo.

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