Chapter 26: The one where puzzle pieces click into place

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“You buried half the Lightforce in book-form in the middle of a desert where everyone can find and use it?!” Four nearly screeched, his horror coming out in a half Hylian half English garbled mess as soon as the old man had finished his story. The other Links seemed a bit put off as well at that realization, though they had not as strong reactions because in their adventures they never had to deal with the Lightforce.

Heyne nodded sheepishly: “I must admit I was not thinking straight at that moment. And something like me calls myself a scholar. I must admit, I am deeply ashamed.”

Four still seemed murderous, but at least he didn’t seem to be ready to jump at the old man any minute to gut him, instead plotting his demise in secret.

Your head was still swirling with all these new information you had received. And honestly, he had summed only the tip of the gigantic glacier up. You had no idea where to even start with getting your thoughts together.

This Hyrule apparently went down the drain because there was no new hero when they needed them to appear. So the people decided to leave through a portal made by a magic book given to them by their goddesses (and did that mean they were real? Were they watching you right now?!) but something went wrong and it broke the book in two, killed Heyne’s daughter and spit all the travelers out on the other side, Heyne with only half the book, the other half being stuck…somewhere.

And apparently on the other side they all knew instantly English and those who had pointy ears got normal ones and they all were brainwashed into not remembering their true origins, the exception being Heyne, who only got brainwashed once he got rid of his half of the book.

And now someone must have found the half of the book Heyne buried all these years ago and used it to make these portals. Well, damn.

And Heyne only got his real memories back, once he returned to Hyrule through one of these portals and while here the catastrophe is temporarily stopped, this land is still pretty much ducked cause there still was no hero.

And it did not explain why in your time you had the lore in the form of videogames, but you figured that if some overpowered higher being could make a book that can make portals to other worlds it’d probably be easy to influence some people to make up stories and games about real events (you pointedly tried to ignore the fact that there apparently really had to be some higher being that probably was reading your thoughts at this second as you thought them…maybe even influenced them? Nope, no, not going there, one identity crisis is enough for the next few years.).

Apparently the other Links had trouble digesting the events described, too, because honestly everything seemed like a bit too much. But well, this at least explained a lot.

Especially that freaky little notebook in your backpack. Broken in half meant probably half the power, so no wonder that it suddenly worked the way it did. Through bad luck doing good things.

Probably meant that the other book worked through good luck doing bad things.

Man, this was unnecessarily complicated.

And why did you have the feeling that the unfortunate soul to find the other notebook was Gannon? Gannon, who was then promptly robbed by someone, who used the book’s power for truly evil things.

That sucked.

Also, why did the interdimensional stuck notebook end up from all people in your backpack? There were enough people to choose from, even the old man would probably have been a better option.

And wait a minute, the other people…!

“What about all the other missing persons? Beside us there were eight others in the bus! If you ended up in this time and I ended in Wild’s, where did they end up?!” you brought out, worry overrunning you.

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