Chapter 9: The one where you write a "How to survive" list

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Drifting on the line between awareness and deep sleep you were vaguely aware of male voices drifting over your head. They were discussing...something?

Okay, chances were high that this were just your brother and father discussing your brother’s plans for something, which he probably hadn’t thought through, again. Used to these early mornings discussions you sleepily reached for your pillow, only to found it absent.

Huh? Where could it have gone?

Lazily blinking an eye open, you looked at blue sky above you.

Have you been camping? Alright, what had happened yesterday?


Like a freight train it hit you and in that moment your pounding headache greeted you together with the realization that you were utterly ducked. You were in a fictional world, and to add on top of that it was a fanfictional world, an alternate universe world. And while your current situation sounded like a badly written fanfiction (or was it fanfanfiction?), you would have to accept it now as more or less reality.

This suuuucked.

Closing your eye again, because you really were not ready to deal with these implicated complications, you tried to surrender yourself to sleep again.

It didn’t work. Your back hurt, you laid on something utterly hard with your bottom and your legs were could and stuck out from your coat-blanket.

So instead you listened the three males discussing something in their strange language that you were going to have to live with.

One good thing about this horrible situation was that - if this tumblr post was to be trusted – they were all successful Links and thus had more than the ability to keep you safe and sound. And as heroes they wouldn’t just abandon you somewhere, surely.

Except, they already tried” common sense muttered. You decided then and there to actively start ignoring it.

And then you suddenly heard something vibrating. Was that your phone? You could have sworn you had turned it off.

Now wide awake you quickly sat up, which caused your back to protest and your head to start spinning. You collected yourself as quickly as you could, while the inevitable already set in.

Even though you had long since sworn off of videogaming when the Link’s Awakening remake had come out, your best friend wouldn’t stop talking about it. And still being the nerd you were inside your deepest shell, of course you couldn’t not download the official sung version of Ballad of the Wind Fish, especially after it came out in English. Too many childhood memories clung to that melody to not put it as your alarm for waking up. It had been perfect.

Now it wasn’t. Now it was very inconvenient. Actually, now it was catastrophic.

And you could only sit there, your head spinning, and await the inevitable.

“Sleepers wake, dreams will fade” your phone sung its usual morning greeting to get you up at latest ten o’clock on weekends. Whipping your head around, you barely managed to witness the most horrible thing that could have happened:

It had been the one titled as “Hero of Legend” in the tumblr post that had held your phone, the “Hero of Warriors” and the “Hero of the Wild” placed left and right beside him. And you knew that sadly of all of those that could have held your phone, it had been the one already traumatized by that melody. That was…frustrating.

Even more frustrating was that the fact that your phone had been held was now in the past.

Hero of Legend, or Pink or simply Legend - cause inside your head you were especially in the mornings lazy as duck – had apparently left this plane of existence mentally and thus your expensive, new phone had slipped between his fingers.

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