Chapter 45: The one where they are remembered

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Link Wind was definitely in big trouble. That is, if Link Wind even was the real name of Link Smith's new classmate. Either way, the mentioned slightly younger teenager was in boatloads of trouble.

Fury bubbled under his skin as he chased the boy who had taken one good look at his face and fled through the apartment. His phone was ringing, the A.I.s probably likewise peeved. Well, Red was probably upset and sending crying smileys that the new classmate they all had found as potential friend candidate betrayed them so. Vio likely sent a link to a website with a list of the biggest backstabbers in history to which he probably was trying to hack to add Link Wind onto. Blue was probably sending a lot of not so nice words of choice about the younger boy.

And Green...Green wisely chose to stay quiet for the moment.

"Come back here!" Link shouted angrily. Link Wind barely spared him a glance back as they chased around the table.

"Only once you don't look like you want to beat me up and let me explain!"

"You spied and reported on me!"

"For good reason!"

"You and the other three newbies are all just spying on me!"

"For good reason!"

"What the actual hell is that reason?!" Link launched himself over the table and tackled Wind down. The teenagers grunted as they tumbled down and wrestled there like siblings would, each trying to pin the other one.

"I'm not good at explaining!"

"At least try! And not just spy on me! And run away!"

"Well, don't look like you wanna murder me!"

"I won't murder you, you look like you're ready to jump outta the window like some failed spy in a cliche movie!"

"Why the fuck would I do that?!"


"Fuck off, Four! I'm a pirate!"

Everything freezes. Link, currently on top of their wrestling, halted long enough for Wind to shake him off and take cover behind the couch.

"...what did you just call me?" He asked quietly, the itch of something settling over him.

Wind eyed him cautiously, almost curiously and a bit hopeful. "...I called you Four" he finally responded. "That's part of your hero title. And your nickname in our group. Four and smithy. I'd have told you would you have let me explain."

"...hero...? Is this some sort of roleplay for you?" He gave a small, irritated laugh. "A game? You saw me at the insanity of that festival and decided to build a very elaborate prank?"

"It's not a prank, Four. I'm Link, hero of Wind. There's other heroes too. Warriors, Time, Twilight, Wild, Sky, Legend and Hyrule. And there's Babble and their Zelda in this time, this dimension. It gave you fake memories cuz it doesn't like magic" Wind frowned.

"'re really drawing on Legend of Zelda there? The video games? Seriously?" Link gave anoyher small laugh. It sounded slightly hysterical even to his own ears.

Wind shook his head, solemn. "I never touched one of these video games. Really. The more they're mentioned, I want to, though. They sound awesome." A sigh. "But what I'm saying is the truth. I promise. The others can tell you more when they get here."

He fidgeted, thumbs play wrestling as he stared at the pattern of the couch as if it held the mysteries of the universe. Link watched him quietly, unmoving like a statue.

Finally: "I'm sorry for slapping you and telling you nothing is real. That's what made you able to be manipulated, wasn't it?"

Link stared. That...actually is the first thing he clearly remembered from the last few days that didn't

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