Chapter 38: The one where you can see trouble brewing

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There’s a lot of things that can go wrong in a simple situation. And usually one of these things will go wrong, knowing your luck because you were not Luck.

And news flash – one of these things that will go wrong just because they can is obviously your best friend abusing her newfound freedom. Namely to drag you all to the nearby carnival. Which meant you were now exactly where you had started.

And Zelda had even dared to phrase your unplanned excursion as fun and let everyone vote on this unknown fun. Which obviously a lot of them chose as Zelda swore up and down it wouldn’t be harmful. You always enjoyed to watch Zelda twist people around her little finger with her words…to bad that she used this weapon of mass destruction against you and common sense now.

“It’s gonna be fun” she assured you with a grin, patting your shoulder before going to check on a sickly-looking Wind. “Plus we gotta be here.”

“Have I ever mentioned hearing you say these words is the opposite of reassuring?” you mumbled as she sent Warriors off with Wind to the men’s toilet to help the poor pirate calm his stomach and if needed empty it. Zelda shrugged, and the bad feeling in your stomach area only increased.

“Welcome to fun!” she then declared to the five remaining Links. “We got a lot planned today, so hop, hop, hop!” And with that she opened a map she had swiped of a nearby info stand and gestured happily to a few attractions. “Alright, we gotta go here and here and here! And it’s gonna be a ton of fun!” And thus, once a slightly better looking Wind returned with Warriors, you were off.

Zelda was excited and kept babbling to whoever would listen about what she all had plotted for that day. Which was poor Four, who was dragged along by Twilight – who attracted the stares of thirsty passersbys for more than just his frankly adorable kitten T-Shirt, that clung perfectly to his admittingly well trained frame.

Phtt, no wonder Zel choose that one shirt. Poor farmboy hadn’t understood the real reason behind it, though, rather happy over the cute kitten printed on the front.

Also…talking about Four - should you contact a therapist about the kind of trauma Zelda induced to him? Since seeing Zel’s furry room he hasn’t done much at all, it might be a good idea…though maybe better not. You weren’t too sure how a human therapist could help a technically Hylian hero without redirecting him to the loony bin.

Well damn. Guess poor kid would have to deal with this himself.

At least Wind seemed to feel a bit better as he munched on some sweets he had snatched from a nearby stand. Just this once you all decided to turn selectively blind seeing as he wasn’t caught and was now smiling and joking with Warriors again.

Falling to the back of the group, you looked at Legend who was hanging a bit behind, much to the worry of Hyrule, which his glances revealed you.

“Hey Leg” you tried to start the casual talk. “You okay?”

He glances at you, looking tired: “…do I look okay?”
You wince: “No, not really. Was Zel’s room really that traumatizing? I hadn’t been in there quite some time, so I don’t know how much she added on to what I saw last.”

“I suspected but…to hear you admit it this readily…” He pauses, actually stops his walk and then looks at you utterly betrayed: “You knew. And yet you didn’t say a single thing to warn us.”

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