Chapter 43: The one where they have a weird feeling

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Link probably was luckier than most people give him credit for.

On paper, he might be just another orphaned tragedy, a child torn too soon from his family...but if one really is honest, Link wasn't alone.

He never was.

He might have lost a lot, but he gained just as much.

...and his phone was vibrating storm again and the teenager pressed a tired hand to his temple to massage the incoming headache away before simply shutting the device off and turning over in his bed to look instead of the ceiling at the wall with the big poster showing a gigantic golden triangle. He knew he'd pay for that action dearly later but he couldn't deal with them right now, not after the last few days.

Because something was off.

He couldn't quite tell what it was however. It was kinda hard to pinpoint because he had no idea where to start following the breadcrumb trail of not quite right.

If he tried, it would probably start with the teenager he met on that damn rollercoaster. He didn't quite understand yet what had urged him that day to go to the fun fare because things are kinda fuzzy that day up to that point. Not even his A.I.s could help him in that aspect unfortunately.

Maybe someone at school had drugged him?

Possible, but unlikely.

As unlikely as a zoo break out simultaneously?

An alarm went off next to him and Link startled, nearly knocking the clock off the nightstand. He jumped to catch it, blinking at his uncharacteristically good reflexes.

Huh, seems like he spend a better night's sleep than expected.

If he were a bit bolder he might say it was main character energy he gave off that morning but he refused to give it off or even admit it because he quite liked his calm lifestyle. He might like the stories given in video games but he really didn't feel like living through one, no thank you.

The note taped onto the clock brought a smile onto his face: "Now don't get lost in your head, little rainbow. You might be late to school ;-)"

Right, school. That boring establishment still existed where mostly useless knowledge is given to sort children into categories as to show them future career options or ruin them. As if some people didn't already know what they wanted to do and now had to wait years to finally pick that option because they needed a certain degree to enter.

Like an unskippable tutorial in a videogame one had to ace or they'd be stuck as an NPC instead of the main character of their own story.

A bit like Kathy, Link realized. She definitely aced her tutorial. But instead of studying at university as she'd always dreamed off, she chose to become a nurse and a foster parent.

Basically a self sacrificing NPC.

Especially considering who likely caused her to do such.

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