Chapter 14: The one where you learn a few things about Hylians

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There was light. There was warmth. Someone was singing a soft melody.

Blearily you blinked against the blurry images your eyes gifted you.

That looked like your…mom? What was this? She looked so young.

Another face popped into your line of vision. Your brother. You’d recognize that type of blonde hair everywhere. And yet, something was wrong. He looked too young. Maybe four, five?

But that meant that you were just a baby. Huh, that would explain the blurriness.

Was this a memory?

Straining your ears, you recognized the soft melody your mother sung, but the words were all wrong.

This was not English.

So a dream, your mind was probably trying to swallow what you currently had to deal with.

Aware that this was not real, you closed your eyes again and sleepily blinked your eyes open against the sun coming from the open window. You stared at the wooden ceiling for a moment before collecting yourself to get up, the memory-like dream already fleeing back to your subconscious where it had come from.

Sighing you sat yourself up and regretted the decision immediately. Your whole body was sore from the sheer endless travel you had forced it through yesterday. Being a full-time university student was not a promising situation for being the fittest and now all those times you had dodged any physical activity to rather review your stuff came back to bite you in the ass.

Groaning you buried the instinct to just fall back into the comfort that was the bed for another nap and instead forced yourself to get moving. You stood up and slipped your shoes and cloak back onn which you wisely at least had pulled off before dropping into the bed dead asleep. Your sore muscles bemoaned what you forced them through, but you carried on. You threw a short glance at the two other beds in the room that were filled with Links, before shaking your head, grabbing your backpack and sneaking out the room.

Outside you slowly edged your way down the long corridor before using the wooden staircase to get down into the big eating room. Only few of the tables where filled, on one of them you could see the tall figure that was Time.

Nearing him you noticed that he was alone, which meant that the others were also probably still sleeping. When he sensed your approach he turned and gave a smile and a “Hya” as a greeting.

“Hi” you greeted back, sliding into the chair across from him, he nodded and took a sip off his milk.

As if on cue, your stomach grumbled, reminding you off the fact that you had skipped dinner in favor of falling directly asleep. You blushed embarrassed, but Time didn’t seem to mind.

Instead he waved the barmaid over. She was a skinny older woman, that as soon as her eyes laid upon you sniffed as if offended before turning to Time.

Well, that was rude. You knew that you hadn’t showered in two days and probably looked not the best therefore, but that was no reason to turn her nose at you. Taking a sniff at yourself to check if maybe it was your smell that had offended her, you noticed that as crazy as it sounded, you only smelled a little like dirt, gras, smoke, blood and cloth, and not at all like you should have after sweating that much and not changing your clothes in days.

Now thinking about it you realized that neither of the Links had smelled like sweat. And they had heavy armor and god knows what else to carry.

And then realization dawned upon you.

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