Chapter 23: The one where you strike a deal

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Disappearing was apparently a good reason to worry people. Disappearing without trace for nearly two days and then coming back beaten, bruised and blood-soaked was apparently a reason to force someone to stay inside a bed until every single scrab was healed and if one dared to even think about getting up to be tied to said bed.

It was, as a summary, a very boring next three days.

At least there were some good things. You learned for example a lot of Hylian curse words, because Legend suffered through mentioned tying up session, with which the hero definitely did not agree.

Also you could at least spend the time teaching some more English to those who wanted it. While Legend might understand you by now almost perfectly, which was to be straight utterly ridiculous by normal standards (yeah, let’s learn a new language in three – no, not years, days), but also seemed to very much annoy Four who seemed to have taken Legend’s success as a personal offence and challenge. No matter who else came to visit you and tried to spend time with you, the little hero would chase them away in his attempt to catch up with Legend’s language progress. Which was kinda funny to watch, because in the end he, Wind and Wild ended up in a three way war aboutr who got to spend time with you, which quickly turned sour when they decided to start a tug war with you as the rope in the middle.

Hyrule - who seemed to be the local nurse and was therefore not only just as possessive of you, because it seemed like you came after him in the timeline, but also of your health - was definitely not amused. You had not thought the brunette could be as scary as he was.

Anyway, even though you were stuck in bed and were not allowed to get up, with all the Links there was no minute of boredom.

Lastly, by the second day of you being stuck in bed against your will, Twilight came into your room carrying a ridiculously huge rucksack, which he placed near the door thus when it fell over it started to block the entrance. It was about as wide as he was tall and about double his height. How he even had been able to hold it was a miracle, but you figured someone who was able to wrestle a Goron should be able to carry heavier things. That did not mean you didn’t wonder why he was putting this ridiculously huge thing that took up about half the room in there.

Understanding came only when Four managed to come in also by climbing over the inconveniently placed thing and used his English language skills that were painfully acquired by a 24-hours English intense course taught by yours truly to explain: “The postman just came by. Poor man told us to give you this.” And then he handed you a letter.

And this letter described so much and yet nothing. Because how?

"To my dearest most idiotic best friend,

your this worldly existence has been taken care of.

By the way, your disappearance caused quite the ruckus cause you disappeared with nine others, who sat in the same bus as you. They’re still missing without any sign, and where the back half of the bus was there is now a gigantic black portal (and apparently that’s where the postman came out of - WTF?!). I’m glad at least you’re (somewhat) safe. Your brother was absolute ready to storm the portal. Me and Malin had to physically bind him to a chair for a few hours to get him to reconsider.

On another note: Do you have any idea how much a single one of the green rupees is worth? If I introduced them too quickly to the market I would probably crash it. On top of that their resemblance to the real Zelda rupee 😉 has blown up my ebay account. I’ve set it up to get some quick cash and put it aside for you for after university, cause I don’t need it. But I know you will and since you refuse to accept anything I gift you, we’ll just do it that way. No take-backsies, okay, you gigantic idiot?

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