Chapter 22: The one where you beat your first boss

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As expected, the door fell shut behind you.

And then you looked forward and saw something truly terrifying.

It was a big room, the walls ornamented and tall pillars reaching until the ceiling. It was just as expected just as dark as most of the rest of the dungeon. Pretty pots decorated the sides and you felt hope rise within you.

But then suddenly you heard with heavy steps something big approaching. It sounded like it was metal that was being dragged over the dark marble floor. And then the boss stepped into the light that your tunic cast.

Iron Knuckles themselves were horrible enemies. One hit with their gigantic weapon and one looses four hearts. But they were slow until you relieve them from their heavy armor and then they’re   really fast, but more receptible to damage.

But this boss in front of you not only was a much bigger version than the usual Iron Knuckle found within Time’s games, but also seemed his armor lighter and it was therefore more agile. The ax in its hands was with staff about as long as you were tall and the double headed ax head was about as wide as both of your arm lengths combined. It was truly terrifying.

And the monster, instead of unmoving until attacked like in the videogames, was already coming straight at you. You practically dropped Legend, before quickly pulling your dagger and running away from where you left him to guide the monster away.

As expected, it quickly followed, swinging it’s ax as soon as it deemed you near enough. You hid behind one of the many pillars in the room while it smashed another one easily.

You knew some people who sometimes dreamily sighed of how boring their lives were and how they’d rather be in some fantasy world. Heck, your friends and you had jokily talked through different scenarios of something like that happening. And as a kid you were a firm believer that someday surely something would come and sweep you away to your adventure.

How foolish children truly were, their minds not able to imagine the true horrors such a wish could bring. There’s a saying, be careful what you wish for. Oh, little you never would have imagined something like that.

The dungeon itself was scary and hard and you got hurt more often than you wanted to count. But none of these dangers could compare with your current situation, now it was either kill or be killed.

This was utterly real and it felt absolutely horrible.

You dodged at the last second another swing and watched horrified how it took out the pillar behind which you had just hidden. These swings were absolutely deadly and would take definitely more than just four hearts.

And how many hearts did you have? Could you even survive one of these swings?

In the games Link didn’t show signs of fatigue until he was down to three hearts. What did that mean for you? How can you survive such a monster, you were only human after all!

Brushing the sweat and dust from your forehead, you brushed against your now long and pointy ears. Stiffening you then remembered that at the moment you weren’t only human. You were Hylian and from you had seen so far, they were much more durable.

So you had a chance and if you were not using it correctly, you’d just die. There were no fairies to heal you, no game over screens to reload. You only had this one chance.

The boss was fast, but you were smaller, agiler, and faster. You had to use your advantages.

You sprinted and dodged another swing before quickly turning around and burying your dagger in the place where the armor pieces met. Then you dashed away, while the monster screamed enraged and swung its gigantic weapon. Then you slipped around it and hit it at the same point, before dashing away.

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