Meeting Him

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He looks familiar yeah- but what is the value of x in this equation?

Pre Calc. I said I was smart. I am. I am the top of my grade. But does that mean I like math? Fuck no. I loathe it. I hate it. But I am just- good at it? I dont even know how to explain it. The only saving grace is Aidan who is also in pre calc, we have the same classes, almost. He has art and I have music, thats the only difference.

Pre Calc. Cazzo. This is the class where I first see him. I failed this class in junior year, yes. (Fuck)

The class starts, we are starting trigonometry. Did I mention I hate this? Suddenly, 3 minutes and 20 seconds into the class, a guy comes barging in. Austin Smith. I stopped breathing for a second. The guy that ruined me. It wasn't even his pretending to love me, it was the contract. He ruined me with a single paper. A single paper left me with nothing. I was too gullible, too trusting. I didn't read the contract. I trusted him. I hoped for a happy future. Well fuck hope.

"Mr. do you know when the class starts? Why are you late? Whats your name?" The teacher asked

"Mam, my name is Austin smith, but you can call me Austin. I know the class started a couple minutes ago, but I have a note. I am sorry, won't happen again" So fucking charismatic. Always has been. A people pleaser.

All the girls were looking at him like he was the best thing since sliced bread. I was not looking at him in adoration though, all I could feel was pain. Betrayal and anger. Even though he hadn't done anything yet, I couldn't stop feeling the anger. It wasn't until Aidan called me out that I realised I had broken the pencil that was in my hands.

"Mi amore, you ok?" He looked over at me, worried.

How did I miss this guy right in front of me, for someone that sick?

"Yeah mo stór, its just the new guy Austin-"

"What uh haha what umm what about him? You hah- you like him?" He asked, not comfortable at all.

"No, he just, he looks familiar yeah- but what's the value of x in this equation?" I said hurriedly, making him sigh in relief.

I knew it would be hard. Impossible even, looking at him. It would be fucking torture, but I felt nothing but anger. No remorse for what I was going to do to him. He better not get on my bad side, he doesn't know what's coming to him. Regina and Austin will end up together. I will make sure of it, and then, then I'll ruin them both, from the inside out.

Suddenly I felt someone looking at me. Austin had taken a liking to my indifference, probably thought I was playing hard to get by not worshiping the ground he walked on. Well boy o boy- ya have something on your hands and you dont even know it.

Regina was not in this class, but the four of us had history together. I hated that subject more than history now.

"So- most of you know the basics of trigonometry? Whats the value of sin 90?" The class continued on. I knew all the questions. The teacher wasn't exactly shocked, but surprised for sure, I barely ever said anything in class, this made me more of a loner in school and I need connections. If I am going to start a company, I need people to trust me. Thats by speaking out loud. This is practice.

As the class ended I heard someone say my name "Alessia?" I heard a voice say. I knew that voice how could I not, I loved that voice for a whole decade. The voice wasn't attractive to me anymore. A mere voice.

"Yeah? Do I know you?" Cold. Indifferent. Perfect.

"No but you could, just say the word" He's way too cocky. Underneath all that bad boy charisma, lies a vicious person. Disgusted. It shows on my face. Perfect.

"Nope, im fine, did you want anything?"

"Your number would be great-"

"Sorry I dont really have the time for your bullshit"

"Alright alright woman. Whats your name?"

"Alessia. You know that."

"Yea but like your full name?"


"Just curious"

"Uh-huh." I wanted to be done with him as soon as possible. I couldn't stand him.

"Alessia Cassidy" Only my parents, Aidan and his parents knew my middle name. It was my nona's name. It's too personal.

"Cassidy, as in Cassidy Corp.?" His eyes widened. Here it was. The real reason he started showing interest in me. The reason he lead me on. Started sprouting nonsense just to make me fall for him. This was the moment. I had to tell him to back off.

"Yeah Cassidy corp. Any problems? My boyfriend wouldn't be too happy if you did" Sorry mo grá.

"Boyfriend? I dont see any boyfriend"

"Doesn't matter. I dont have time for this"

"Baby girl, dont play hard to get, I know you want my number, yeah?"

Holy fuck. He grabbed my arm. He is going to pay for that, but im too lazy as of now. Fuck. Im going to do something I might regret.

"You know, my boyfriend wouldn't appreciate you grabbing me." Calm. Collected. Cold. Perfect.

"Aidan?" I called out, he was waiting for me outside of class. I knew he was there, probably eavesdropping, trying to see if I was interested in him, well ady is in for a ride.

"You called mi amore?" He said. Angry, but calm. Fuck he looked hot. NOT THE TIME ALESSIA.

Austin left my arm. Not scared, but out of respect for Aidan. Fuck his misogynistic ass. This is where I decided I will not spare him. He got to my bad side. Too bad.

"You were saying Austin?" Mocking. Indifferent. Beautiful. I am doing great.

"He could be your cousin for all I know, he is not your boyfriend."

Remember when I said I won't spare him? I will ruin him. Without mercy. This bitch-

"Well Austin, here's the deal. I am not into incest, alright? Honestly, that kind of grosses me out, and I am sure that someone who hates incest wouldn't do this"

"Im sorry Ady. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable ok?" I said in a whisper


I kissed him. I kissed Aidan. Holy shit I kissed my best friend.

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