A Guy in Love

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Aidan's POV

I woke up a little before Alessia did, we were tangled in sheets, a mess of our beings- in the most beautiful of ways. For some reason, our existence at this moment in time made sense, suddenly the thoughts that once haunted me, made no sense to me because the only thing that mattered in life was this. Her. I looked at her sleeping, with a little smirk on her face, probably dreaming happily.

She was beautiful. Precious. She was my hysteria. The way the sunlight peeked at her face made it look like the sun revolved around her like the light was bent to her will and was made exclusively for her. Like she was the centre of the universe- and not just mine. In some ways, there was something very- different about her. Ever since her stair accident in high school I had felt a little bit grateful to be in her presence.

I was always in love with her but there was something different about her after that incident, she turned bolder, more celestial.

From the way her lips parted to the way her hair was splattered on the bedsheets, she was wonderfully stellar.

She woke up and looked at me, with a little hoarseness in her voice, she said "You've been staring at me?"

"Yes, but I'm not done, love. Go back to sleep"

"We have to go to Silicon today, you have meetings"

"As far as I know, the only meetings I have today is with Novus and its CEO is in my bed so I'd say I don't need to go back"

"Yes correct Mr Sir," She said, sitting up

"But I have meetings with very important people. WE need to go"

She wanted to stand up but I held her wrist. "No, we don't" I pushed her back onto the bed, hovering over her. Just looking at her made my veins burst with love, anxiety, and a frenzy of emotions I don't think I would ever be able to explain. "Sia, you are so perfect," I said with a grateful sigh

"Right back at ya," She said with finger guns pointing at me.

"Did you just-"

"I'm bisexual, what do you expect me to do?"

"Can't even argue with that"

"Shouldn't- should not"

As I went down to kiss her neck, she suddenly exclaimed- "Oh did you know about my girlfriend I had in uni?"

"Uh- uh no? When did you- what?"

"Oh she was lovely, we had a lot of fun, not even kidding it was wonderful"

"Why did you break up?" I said while laying beside her

"Meh- I don't know maybe because I knew that I loved you or something? You've always had me in a chokehold Mr Sean"

Stupid little words getting me giddy. With her, I always felt like a 13-year-old, having their first crush.

"Mhmm- that's nice, I had a girlfriend in uni too"

"OH- Oh oh wow, why- uh why did you two break up?"

I never had a girlfriend in uni, I know she didn't either. I loved messing with her.

"Because apparently she always had a crush on you- the magazines always brought out the best pictures"

She changed her face to one of realisation- "Oh. That's- wow. I don't even- do you have her number still?"

"Uh-" I don't know who gave the theory of our universe actually being a fake one- a stimulation, I've heard somewhere it's called the matrix or something? I've obviously never believed in it until now. I was actually definitely- seriously- buffering.

"Love- I was uh I was kidding I didn't date anyone I didn't have the time to."

"Ha-ha" She said in a singsong voice

"I knew it" Smirked. She fucking smirked. I was about to fall off the bed just for the dramatics of it. The situation; the conversation was all so bizarre.

"I can't believe I have you back" I looked over at her.

"I didn't think Austin would let us be together. Ever" This was the most vulnerable I had been in years. Well, the most vulnerable I had been- sober.

"What if he didn't let us be together, what would you do then?" She suddenly asked.

"I would write for you. Or look for you, or in some way, think of you. He couldn't possibly control my mind could he?"

"No- no, like who would be with, if not me?" She said while half sitting up, her elbows on the bed, looking down at me. "Like- imagine you have this woman who's your soulmate, and the only way you could get her into your life is by removing me from the equation if that was the requirement; a prerequisite. Then wouldn't you give me up? Be with her?"

"If someone put her on this planet for me, then they wouldn't have let me meet you. You are my oblivion love, my end game. You are my angel, a fallen one but you were made to guide me to my salvation."

I should really think about what I am about to say before actually saying things. The shock on her face was the reaction I didn't think I would get. A laugh? Maybe, but not tears. I hated seeing her cry.

She turned away from me, wiped her tears and looked at me with hazy eyes.

"You're such a simp, lord" She breathed.

So madly, deeply, irrevocably, in love.



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