OH- So you like both of them?

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She deserves someone better yes, so that means, I need to be better. Theres no other way to go about it.


She loves me. She actually loves me. She doesn't want to be with me. Not now at least. Am I sad? Yes. Am I angry? Yes. Do I understand what she's trying to say? Probably no. Will I agree to what she said? Absolutely yes. Why? Simple, I have been in love since I was 10. She could ask me to give up everything I own, to leave school, to get her anything, I would.

But you would do anything for love, right?

We were driving to my home right now, the music was on, but I wouldn't ever be able to focus on anything but her, she has this- this aura. Im drawn to her, I always have been.

As soon as we enter I greet my dad, Alessia does the same. Both my parents love her, always have. Who wouldn't? When I kissed her, that moment, was the happiest moment in my whole goddamn life. She tasted so good. I want to kiss her everyday. Worship her in every way. When I heard her moan that one day in the movie room, I swear I controlled my boner so bad, it hurt. Just her voice can make me do anything, can get me hard. But it's not just that, this is a recent development. Since I was 10, every word she would say, I wouldn't miss it. She's an angel, my angel. She grounds me, she lets me fly. She's perfect. But she's not mine. It hurts.

As soon as I see my mom, I make an excuse to go see Ashling. She's the only other woman other than Alessia and my mom for whom I would do anything. I would literally take a bullet for any of them. Any day.

As I enter her room, I see my little sister watching Aladdin. She loves this movie.

"Hey sorellina, what you doing?" (Sister) I said, while sitting next to her on her tiny bed.

"HEY BUBBA! DID YOU BRING ALESSIA? I WANNA SEE HER" She literally jumped from excitement. 

"Sorellina, do you not think I'm enough? Do you love her more than me?" I said in fake hurt, I loved seeing her all flustered, she's adorable

"Well- duh." She said in a its-obvious-you-dumbass tone.


"I- I can't even. I dont blame you though baby"

"Bubba?" She called me, confusion laced in her voice.

"Yes baby?"

"Bubba, I think jasmine is really pretty, I like her very much."

"Oh- oh thats good, what about Aladdin? Do you like him?"

"I do, I think I should kiss both of them, just like mama kiss papa. Both of them are very pretty"

So this why she likes this movie. I thought it was because fo the genie-

"Oh- OH so you like both of them?"

"I think it doesn't matter wether it is Aladdin or jasmine or anyone, I like both of them. Is it wrong? I haven't seen any two jasmines kissing, or any two Aladdins kissing. Is it bad?"

Oh. My. God. What do you say to that? I mean, all of us, including Alessia and her family are pretty supportive towards the lgbtq+ community, I'm not sure, but she might be bi or pan. Thats- ok I in case its true, I have bragging rights for life, thats so cool.


"No baby, it's not wrong. They dont show it on TV but its totally normal and fine. If you love anyone in the future, wether it be Jasmin or Aladdin or anyone else, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that if you love them. Ok? We will never have any problem with it."

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