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this is a short one, because I want to do a separate Aidan POV where he explain things from- yk- his point of view. ALSO MY EXAMS ENDED TODAY SO THATS AMAZING :)))))))

I was sick and I was tired of waking up, wrapped in bandages. I mean if you know that I am a returnee, couldn't you just add some colour to this? Like, some yellow and pink and for goodness sake, even some grey is better than this white shit.

My hands and torso were covered, probably stitched. And there was no one around me. Disappointing really. Not even Sean? Good lord. As I looked around I realised it was, in-fact the mafia makeshift hospital. I tried to move, but my waist was hurting a little too much, nevertheless, I tried and subsequently, succeeded in getting down. I had some liquid connecting to my IV, on those weird stands and I had to carry it too. To be fair, I was grateful for it, I could take support of it, it also made it easier to walk. Wouldn't say that in front of anyone though.

As I was trying to walk towards the door, it suddenly opened. Dad was standing in front of me, with some soup and what looked like a coconut drink.

"Alessia! Oh you're up! Why are you standing? Sit- sit."

His voice was a little intimidating at the end. He was troubled because of something. As I sat down, he passed me the soup and drink, I smiled at him. He sat down beside my legs and started massaging my ankles.

"What happened?" I asked. It wasn't just the attack making him anxious

"Well- this. This is not ok. I'll call up some people from Italy and Ireland. We'll solve this thing out. I will not spare the fucking Americans."

"Its not a mafia rivalry dad. Its personal. Do you remember Austin, from sophomore year. He tried to assault me?"

He was silent for a second before he put the dots together. There was a second of terrifying anger on his face, immediately replaced by a stoic and indifferent look.

"I'll take care of it, you rest. Other than that- Sean told Aidan about-"

Aidan. I saw him leaning on the door frame right at that moment. His jaw clenched, angry. I knew he would be disappointed in me, but why was he angry? Dad sensed him there too, and looked at him although Aidan continued to glare at me.

"You knew. You knew about the Mafia AND Austin. Did you know about the threats too?" He said in the most calm manner, although I knew how furious he really was. No point in hiding anymore.

"Yes. I know about them, both of them. I've known about Austin since your first night here. I've known about the mafia since my second year of college. But I swear on my Ashling's life, Aidan, Sean asked me not to tell you. You know how much I respect him."

He suddenly looked away, as if he couldn't bare to look at me. With one movement, he broke my heart. I guess I was at fault here, but Sean made me promise, and I couldn't tell him about Austin without telling him about our relations with the mafia.

"What about me Alessia. Did you ever wonder how paranoid I've been about the mafia? How many sleepless nights I've had? How much effort I've put into finding the Italian and the Irish mafia? Now all of you are telling me, that I own the second largest organised criminal group in the world? What about me, alessia, did you ever respect me? Even for a second?"

"I did. I always will. I dont know the reasoning behind why Sean did not tell you. It is something I have no right to know about. It is not my place to do so. And Aidan, your family is my family. If Sean asks me to do anything, I will agree to it. Tell me, right now, would you have told me if the roles were reversed? If my dad asked you not to tell me? Would you have broken his trust?"

"Thats different Alessia- thats not-"

"You know you wouldn't. You know it, and that is why I love you." I had never, in my life, ever, said those three words in such a tense enviournment. But I needed to reassure him, because whatever happens today, he should know where I stand. He should be aware of this fact, while making any decisions.

He said nothing. He did nothing. He just left. He walked out the door, and after consoling me, my dad walked out too. And that is when I let them fall. My tears.

I lost the one boy I would have fought the world for. I lost him.


can y'all see the alessia pic I usually put? 


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