What a Pity Indeed

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After endless meetings and writing codes, I finally exited the office. It was around 3 am, no one should be around me, but I was feeling off as if I was being followed. I asked Allan to leave early today, considering he had a family to tend to. He had one son, who was about 17 and was interning for Novus. He was one talented kid. 

Other than that, the sense of unease did not leave me. Not until I saw a black hooded man looking at me from near the alleyway dustbin. I also got a glimpse of a black piston. I racked my brain for any potential threats I've received in the past month or so. The only thing I could come up with was Aidan's arrival, which was connected to Austin, so basically the American Mafia. I couldn't let the man I just saw or any other threats follow me home, especially since Ashling is here. I won't take any chances. I discreetly sent a text to dad and the mafia set in silicon valley via my watch's SOS button. The mafia had come in to get some things from the Novus warehouse, well I had supplied it to them. Long story.

As soon as I sent the message with my location, I started walking towards the alley. Suddenly, something caught my leg. I started falling, but put my hands in front of me, to catch myself. I swiftly stood up and saw the guy, now towering over me. Well, he wasn't alone. There were around 6 guys. I quickly head counted all of them and if any of the guns. All of them did. Oh fuck. I hadn't needed to fight in a long time. My stamina was perfect, because of the gym, but my fighting skills were a little dusty. But I could handle these guys. I could do it.

The first guy came bolting towards me, and I took that opportunity to stand still. Once he was close enough, I stepped away. Almost always works on men, I tell you. He lost his balance, and by the time he stood up, the knife tucked away in my back jean pocket was in my right hand, at exactly 55 degrees. If I, well, there was no time for ifs. I stabbed the knife into his throat. His trachea shattered, the air passageway broken and the main artery cut open. Lifeless.

The second guy was standing a little too close for my liking, he was overconfident though. A silly petty mistake that can cause you to die. As he came onto me, I took the gun from the first guy and shot it right through his coronary artery. Right outside his heart. The bullet, thankfully, went through his body, making him fall. The bullet then entered into the shoulder of the third guy, right behind him. This made his hands fall, and his gun slide away, near me.

I looked at the fourth guy who looked at me in shock and then looked at the gun. He knew. Uh Oh. As he ran for the gun, I did too. He got to it first. Pathetic. Not because he was fast, no. Because he was short-sighted because I got to HIM faster. I got on top of him and stabbed his neck. The same way I did for the first guy. Dead.

My happiness was short-lived when I felt a guy holding me up. I elbowed him in the face and he screamed in agony. After a couple of seconds, so did I. Well, grunted would be the better word, but that's cringe. The last guy had shot me, in the right arm. He was a boy really, 16 maybe 17. I lied down, my back to the road, looking at the stars. I was losing blood, and fast. Not only that, my abdomen was slashed open. The guy whose arm was shot was now up. He did that. Bitch. Now it was 3 guys and me. I could take them. I could. The guy whom I had elbowed was now sitting on top of me, holding my face in a death grip, breathing heavily on my face.

"What a fucking pity I can't touch you. You looked like you would be a good fuck."

"Yes darling, but you'd need a dick for that. I can't see that on you, what a fucking pity indeed"

I retorted, with a breathy laugh. I kept him distracted, and the other two as well. I put my hands in my front left jean pocket and got out a small knife, dagger. Small, but works.

"Got a big mouth on you, yeah? I said I can't touch you, I can kill you though. Sweetheart, in the afterlife, know that Austin sends his wishes. Goodb-"

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