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Hi guys! As many of you might have guessed, I will not be updating the book anymore. I haven't touched the project for months now. I do not want to keep you waiting for the following chapters because they will never come :(

I am so so so grateful for the number of people who have read my characters and I will forever be glad that I wrote them in the first place <3

The reason why I'm not going forward with the book is simple. I have no ideas. This was a very spontaneous idea, to write something, simply because I was bored. But realistically speaking, this plot and these characters are straightforward and I cannot imagine more for them. 

Anyways, although I cannot complete the story, I would love to answer any of your questions regarding the book. If you want me to answer any of your theories or ideas for the characters, I will do so right-

here.  (comment on this line please thanks!)

Once again, thank you so much for all the love, and sorry for never giving this plot closure in the way it probably deserved.

I am not giving up on writing, but I have realised that I love writing shorter stuff, like poems and short stories, and will continue to write those until I am inspired to write entire stories again, and the next time I promise to have a complete plot before I publish it. 

Thanks for all the support 🙌


Other than the story, I have been doing- good. I mean I have university entrance exams in a few months and school finals in a month. Holding on, barely! I have, in fact, been admitted to a university, but it was my backup uni, and I will update you guys as to if I get into my dream universities. love love, and bye snakers! hope to see you again!

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