Chapter 4: The RED

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Annabeth POV

Seeing Percy again was weird because he wasn't that different. I could still sense his funny and kind personality even millions of dollars and fans later. It was perplexing. 

Regardless, I didn't want to talk to him. 

Percy left me, so he didn't deserve me. That's what I was telling myself. 

You could probably tell how hurt I had been years ago when he ghosted me after achieving success. We were such good friends, but clearly, I didn't matter as much to him. 

"Hey, Annabeth, today is already taking so long," Piper complained as she crossed arms with me. I chuckled at my friend. 

"Piper, it's only lunch. Not even half of the day," I said slyly. 

Piper groaned as we got in line for food. Since we went to a private school, I admit that the food was better than public school. However, it wasn't that much better. 

"I always wonder where our money is going because the school still ends up serving bouncy chicken nuggets," Leo commented from behind. 

Piper jumped in surprise as I turned around. For such a loud and happy kid, Leo could be sneaky. 

"Hello, girls, how's it going?" Leo asked as he placed her arms over our shoulders. 

"Leo, don't make me count to three," I said firmly. 

Leo immediately removed his arms with a scared expression. We were all very good friends, but he still got scared of me at times. I always used that as leverage. 

Piper and I chuckled as she got her food. 

"Isn't it exciting that Percy's back?" Leo asked. 

"Yeah, absolutely, I missed him a lot. He's such a great friend and one of Jason's closest friends. I know how much Jason missed his buddy," Piper added. 

I stayed quiet as we walked towards our table. We sat outside on most days, so that's where we were heading. 

"Yeah, I missed my friend as well. I wonder if he'll let me film him as I did many years ago," Leo said. 

Leo used to film Percy's old youtube videos in the sound studio at Goode's music hallway. Leo loved filming, and Percy needed good videos for his songs. 

"I'm sure he will. Percy loves you and your filmography skills," Piper said. "Besides, he's a really good friend, so he'll certainly accept a friend's request if you ask him."

"He's not that great of a friend," I blurted out. 

Leo and Piper both paused in the middle of the courtyard. I couldn't control myself, and I slipped. Piper looked at me with understanding and sympathy. 

"What do you mean?" Leo asked in confusion. 

I hadn't told many people that Percy stopped talking to me after he left. He managed to keep up with Jason and Thalia (and sometimes, his other friends as well), but not me. 

We simply stood for a few seconds in awkwardness before I continued to our table. Hazel and Frank were already waiting for everyone. The Stolls and Katie also arrived at the same time that we did. 

"Guys, everyone is talking about Percy," Katie said with a smile. We all sat down and started enjoying our food. 

"Yeah, the whole school is buzzing with excitement," Hazel confirmed. "I want to meet him because I'm such a huge fan of his music." 

"Maybe we could introduce you," Travis commented. 

"Travis, you haven't in a while. We were all barely friends with Jason, Thalia, Annabeth, and Percy before he got famous," Katie said to her boyfriend. 

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