Chapter 21: The Game of Life

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Percy POV

I stared at myself in Piper's mirror.

The harsh bruises on my neck weren't appealing at all. I could feel my vocal tract and muscles contracting with tension. My voice was raspy and hoarse right now, so I wasn't trying to talk.

Annabeth appeared next to me. I could see her worried face in the mirror.

"That bastard is gone now," Jason exclaimed as he walked in. "Percy, seriously, how are you feeling?"

"I'm all right," I croaked.

The muscles of my throat felt tight. I spent so much time over the years working on my vocal muscles and breath control. It came as a part of being a singer. While my vocal tract didn't feel damaged, it didn't feel comfortable either.

Annabeth looked downcast as she moved to Piper's bed. My gaze followed her, but I had no words to reassure her.

She was blaming herself for being with Luke. While I didn't like the prospect of her with Luke, this wasn't her fault. If anything, I was the one that kept provoking Luke.

"Bro, we should get you checked out. I can come with you to the hospital. Also, Terminus has already been informed," Jason said firmly.

I sighed as I thought about how strict my security was going to be now.

Suddenly, Terminus barged into the room with Thalia. Terminus immediately came to me while analyzing my bruises. "Mr. Jackson, we are leaving this household right now," he ordered. His tone was firm, and he only used my last name when he meant business.

I nodded before wincing at the pain.

"All right, Sir, let's go," Terminus stated.

His hand fell on my shoulder as he guided me out of the room. I looked back at my friends and motioned for them to come with me. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts.

If your voice is gone, then you're nothing.

I shook my head before wincing again. Jason and Thalia blocked peoples' curious gazes from me as we walked through Piper's house. So much for a fun party, I thought.

"What is going on?" Rachel asked loudly.

We had almost made it out the door before she stopped us. She blocked the path out of the front door. A crowd was forming around us since we were in the middle of the hallway.

"Ms. Dare, please move out of the way. I have a responsibility to remove Mr. Jackson from this scene," Terminus spoke boldly.

"Excuse me? You are merely a bodyguard. Don't speak to me in that tone. Step aside," Rachel snapped.

My anger surged. Rachel had no right to speak that disrespectfully no matter what status she held. She especially couldn't speak to my staff like that.

"Rachel, what the hell is your problem?" Thalia snapped.

"I would just like to know what happened to my boyfriend," Rachel emphasized the term, boyfriend, as she spoke.

"Rachel, I need to go home," I replied quietly. My voice felt a little better, but it was still scratchy and uncomfortable.

"Babe, what happened? Oh, my poor baby," she slurred.

Rachel stepped around Terminus and came to me. His hands clenched into fists, but he didn't stop Rachel. After all, she was my 'girlfriend'. Her hand reached up and stroked my neck. I immediately took a step back. Her touch and fake concern meant nothing to me.

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