Chapter 17: The Eyes

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Percy POV

I didn't really know why I went to Annabeth's house. After hearing that Gabe was possibly back in the world, I wanted to be with someone who made me feel better.

Paul was there for my mom, and they had gone to bed early.

So, I was left alone. I couldn't work on my music due to writer's block and a general lack of motivation. That's when I called Terminus for a ride. I would've gone alone, but Chiron was adamant about my safety. Honestly, I didn't want to risk my safety either.

I sighed as I looked out the window. Annabeth's neighborhood was receding in the rearview mirror.

The trip was helpful. I did feel better. Annabeth had that kind of warm and reassuring effect on me. Also, she knew about my horrible history with Gabe.

However, Wise Girl didn't want me around. She was very quick to send me away.

"It's possible, Percy, that Gabe has changed," Terminus mentioned, catching my attention. "He could be moving on with his life and not coming after you and your mom."

"That would be the best scenario," I expressed firmly.

Silence followed as Terminus drove me back home. I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, but I didn't know where else to go. Jason and Thalia didn't want to see me, so they definitely wouldn't want me in their home.

Honestly, I understood their anger.

I was acting like an asshole because of Rachel, Atlas, and Zeus's blackmail.

At the beginning of my career, I promised my best friend, Jason, that I wouldn't change. It hurt him deeply that I had "broken" that promise.

I wished that I could be honest with him, but I couldn't. I couldn't risk it. Also, Zeus (being Jason's father) was a conflict of interest that I didn't want to bring up.

"Hey, Terminus, can you take me to the park?" I asked.

"I don't believe that's a good idea, Percy. You shouldn't be out this late," Terminus warned. "We are going home."

I sighed as I stared at the night sky. It was a clear sky, and I could see the constellations and moon shining brightly down on us. In contrast to myself, it was a peaceful night.

"If you'd like, you can invite some friends over," Terminus stated as a compromise.

I wasn't sure who to call. Considering my status, most of the school would want to come and hang out with me. However, they were fans, not friends.

Finally, I texted Charlie and Silena. They were cool.

I was in my kitchen, drinking some water when my doorbell rang. Terminus had gone home after talking with the on-call security guard, who lived in the house. This wasn't a normal occurrence. They were being extra-cautious because of Gabe.

I started walking to the door, but my security reached the door first.

"Uh, we're just Percy's friends," Charlie's voice expressed. I quickly went forward and dismissed the guard. Sometimes, they were too protective.

"Hey, Charlie, thanks for coming over. I was so bored," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, no problem, dude." He patted my shoulder before coming inside. I watched in surprise as Silena and Piper got out of his convertible and walked over.

"Bro, you brought Piper," I whispered harshly.

Charlie looked at me weirdly before nodding. "Silena and Piper are sisters, and we were hanging out tonight at their place. We couldn't just leave her," he said logically.

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