Chapter 25: The Secret

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Percy POV

"What the hell is this?" I snapped.

I threw the tabloid down on the table. I couldn't believe that Atlas Tabloids wrote something like this. It was so fake, overdramatic, and incorrect. 

Zeus looked up from his laptop and smirked at the tabloid. 

"That is punishment for what you did at the showcase the other day. Your actions have consequences Percy," Zeus said firmly. He picked up the tabloid and scrolled towards the two pictures at the bottom of the article. 

"Both of those pictures are so out of context," I snapped. "I'm doing as you say, so why are you bringing her into this?" 

"Percy, she's in the center of it all. You're just some dumb kid singer, but she certainly isn't. Annabeth Chase had the audacity and intelligence to stand up to me and Atlas," Zeus expressed. 

"She didn't mean anything by it. We just, we have feelings for each other." 

I took a seat at the board table. I was so angry that they actually published an article like this. Not only were people going to be curious now, but they were going to be all over Rachel and Annabeth with questions (at least, at school). 

"Young love has limits. You might as well learn it and give up," Zeus ordered. 

Before I could respond, Artemis, Ares, and Chiron walked into the room. We were having a meeting to talk about the new single. It's only been a few days, but the song became relatively popular. 

You would think that Zeus would be happy about that. 

"Everyone take a seat quickly. I don't have all day," Zeus commanded. Everyone settled down as I crossed my arms. Gods, this was so annoying. 

"Okay, I have to say, congratulations Percy on the latest single," Artemis said genuinely. 

"Thanks, Artemis," I sighed. "Just answer me this, Zeus, does Rachel have a copy of the picture of me and Annabeth?"

"No, she doesn't," a voice exclaimed. 

Everyone's attention turned towards Atlas, who walked into the board room. He confidently sat down in one of the chairs.

"What the hell are doing here?" I snapped. 

"Be quiet, Percy, don't be so hostile. Also, I invited Atlas to this meeting," Zeus said firmly. "After all, Atlas is partly responsible for this single." 

"With all due respect, Zeus, Percy wrote and sang this single. Atlas has no influence or reason to be at this meeting," Artemis expressed supportively. 

Artemis looked at me with a reassuring smile. Chiron nodded as well. 

"My word is final, Artemis," Zeus affirmed. 

"So, don't object, woman," Atlas continued.  I actually wanted to punch him in the face now. He was an awful man, who couldn't treat women with any respect. 

Artemis's face contorted in anger, but she stayed silent. However, it was obvious that she wanted to set Atlas straight. 

"Anyway, you said that Rachel doesn't have the pictures of me and Annabeth?" I asked again. 

Zeus and Atlas both nodded.

So, Rachel's been lying all this time. Since Zeus and Atlas confirmed my suspicion, I was confident that Rachel has no power over me or Wise Girl. That was very good information to have. It indicated that I didn't need to listen or be with Rachel. 

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