Chapter 22: The Showcase

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Annabeth POV

"Annie, stop fidgeting," Piper shrieked. "I cannot do your hair and makeup if you keep moving." 

She grabbed my shoulders for the third time and straightened my posture. The hair curler was still in my hair as I fixed my white, silk dress. 

"Piper, be careful," I hissed. 

"I am being careful, you're the one fidgeting," she shot back. Hazel, Piper, and I were getting ready in Piper's room. Hazel was wearing a whole gown since she was singing a ballroom song while I was in a simple dress. 

I was singing a pop acoustic, so this was the best outfit. 

"Annabeth, are you nervous or something?" Hazel asked. 

I sighed as I turned to my friends. I grabbed the curling iron out of my hair and set it down. To be honest, I was nervous. I get nervous before every performance, but this one, in particular, would be a large venue and my dad is coming. 

"Yeah, a little. There's gonna be a lot more people in the showcase today because of Percy. Plus, my dad will be watching," I said earnestly. 

Piper smiled as she gently gripped my shoulders. 

"Annabeth, you're going to kill it. You have an amazing voice. You too, Hazel," Piper said reassuringly. 

Hazel and I smiled at our friend before continuing to get ready. I could always rely on my friends to raise my confidence and make me feel better. Piper was the most chill in the group because she wasn't performing tonight. 

Piper had aspirations to go into the business side of modeling and cosmetics (just like her sister, Silena). As such, there wasn't much that she could do at the showcase. 

It took another half-hour to get ready before we left Piper's house. 

We were driving ourselves because Jason and Thalia had to be at the venue early. Jason and Thalia were hosting the showcase this year, which required a lot of preparation. However, this was a great experience for them on the business side of productions. 

"Girls, I'm so excited," Piper said firmly. 

I nodded. Hazel still looked nervous. Of course, I was better at masking my emotions. Also, I was feeling emotionally better since Percy and I reconnected. We didn't cross the romantic line, but we did have a mutual understanding now. 

"Bro, are you serious?" Hazel asked, interrupting my thoughts. 

I followed her gaze outside. The whole street was blocked with traffic, and we were still three blocks away from our school. It felt like the whole city was coming to the venue. 

Goode Academy held the semesterly showcases outside. They always build a stage on the football field, and they set up chairs through the field. Plus, the bleachers also were a source of seating. 

"Wow, it's going to be a full house," I said in exacerbation. 

It was a good thing that we left early because this traffic would take forever to get through. The crowd spoke volumes about Percy's popularity and pull as a singer and performer. 

"We're going to have massive coverage as well. The showcase is gonna be live on TV and YouTube. I guess that we Percy to thank," Hazel expressed. 

"You know, sometimes, I forget that Percy is a huge star. I don't know, he acts so normally and ordinary with us despite being a self-made multimillionaire and famous celebrity," Piper said. 

I nodded with a smile. Percy didn't care about fame or wealth. He loved to sing, make music, and perform so that's what he did. I admired that quality a lot. 

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