Chapter 7: The Demos

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Percy POV

I gazed up at Wise Girl. 

The moonlight was gently illuminating the well-sculpted structures of her face. Her hair was shining in the light. A small smile was on her face. 

I reached forward and clasped my hand, and she pulled me up. 

I had snuck into her home many times before. She didn't have the best stepmother, considering she was super strict about everything. Helen didn't care much about Annabeth. 

"Why did you come here, Percy?" Annabeth asked. 

We both sat on her bed. To be honest, her bedroom hadn't changed much. There were more books on her desk and shelf though. 

"I see that you're still a huge bookworm," I commented. 

"Seaweed Brain, you are really pushing it here," Annabeth warned. Her glare would normally be enough to set me straight. 

But, I was having too much fun. I was happy that she was talking (somewhat normally) to me again. 

"Come on, Wise Girl, do you know how many girls would love for me to sneak into their bedrooms? Plus, I'm seriously risking my safety and freedom by coming here," I said slyly. 

She smirked before turning to me. 

Suddenly, she started leaning towards me. My smile faded as I felt her breath nearing my face. I realized that her lips looked quite soft and pink. I instinctually closed my eyes as she closer and closer. 

I don't know what I was expecting. Annabeth wouldn't just kiss me even though, so I guess that I was just being dumb. 

"You're not that special, Percy," she whispered into my face. 

I opened my eyes to watch Annabeth demonstrating a sly, victory smile. She laughed lightly before hitting me with a pillow. 

I quickly snatched the pillow and set it on my lap. 

Annabeth didn't need to know that she got me in more ways than one. 

"Okay, stop that, Wise Girl. I seriously risked a lot by sneaking out and coming here. My security would lose their shit if they found out," I expressed. 

"Well, then, I guess that I'll tell them tomorrow," Annabeth replied. 

She was smiling as she stared at me. However, I knew that she didn't get it. No one understood the importance of security until they got to the status of needing it. Being a celebrity was dangerous at times. 

"Don't you freakin dare," I said firmly. 

She laughed as she laid back on her bed. My gaze intensified as I watched her. I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach as I smiled at her. 

Gods, Annabeth was beautiful on the outside and inside. 

We simply connected even after all these years and experiences. We were in completely different places and statuses of life, yet I was so strongly drawn to her. 

Suddenly, I shook my head and got up. No, this could not be happening again. 

"Anyway, I should probably leave now. I just wanted to see you, and you know, we're friends again, right?" I asked cautiously. 

Annabeth sat up and stared at me. 

She seemed to be searching for something in my face. I tried to hide my feelings as I stared back. Then, Annabeth sighed. 

"I guess that neither of us will benefit from pettiness, so yeah. Yes, we can be friends even though you're clearly keeping something from me," she said firmly. 

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