Chapter 11: The Gravity

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Percy POV

I can't believe that I told Annabeth about my feelings for her. I didn't mention that I still shared those feelings after all these years, but still. 

I was so stupid. 

Annabeth's reaction was had to understand. I didn't know what to expect from her, and she didn't really interact with me after that conversation. It's been a few days now, and we didn't address my truth. 

"Bro, you're lost in thought again," Jason said firmly. His voice brought me back to reality as I turned towards him. 

"Nah, I'm just thinking about a potential song," I lied. 

We were in the back seat of my car. Terminus was driving us to Olympus Records today, which was a few hours away from home. Jason was coming along as a friend and to visit his dad. Thalia didn't even bother trying to visit her dad. 

We all knew that Zeus would just be busy with work. 

Olympus Records was one of the best record-producing companies in the world. Many superstars were signed to the label, so it committed a lot of time. Regardless, it sucked that Jason and Thalia lived alone and took care of themselves. 

"So, how many songs are expected from you?" Jason asked. 

"Generally speaking, my albums consist of 15 songs each. I technically have 5 demos prepared already," I said. 

"Bro, it's only been like 2 months out of your year-long vacation. you're way ahead of the schedule," Jason expressed in shock. 

"I know, and the songs are pretty good thus far. I don't know. Being back home is helping with inspiration and songwriting," I said earnestly. 

Something about being at home with my friends is making it easier to find topics to write about. I was proud of the songs that I prepared till now. 

"However, I am still missing that one song," I said. 

"Bro, you have several more months to create that one big song," Jason said reassuringly. 

Usually, each one of my albums had that one stellar song that would blow up around the world and top the charts for weeks. I didn't have that song yet. 

"Yeah, you're right," I said with a smile. 

However, as soon as the car pulled into the road leading to Olympus Records, my smile faded. Several reporters and paparazzi were waiting for my arrival. 

They all were screaming with cameras and microphones as my car approached the front entrance of the massive building. 

"God, damn," Jason breathed out. 

"All right, sir, we need to get you inside as quick as possible. The paparazzi will try to harass you otherwise," Terminus said boldly. 

I nodded in agreement. I hated the paparazzi. The constant attention from them is what led me to have a poor personal life. The lack of privacy hindered a lot of the things that I could do. 

"Okay, sir, let's get going," Terminus confirmed. 

Jason and I stepped out of the car to immediately be bombarded with questions, flashes, and camera lenses. 

"Percy Jackson, how's your vacation?" "Do you have a girlfriend now? How is your love life now?" "When will you return?" "You must've met a girl."

The questions kept coming as Terminus ushered Jason and me inside. Several shoves and screams came from the paparazzi as they pried for information. 

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