Chapter 16: The Mystery

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Annabeth POV

"So, Annabeth, I want to know about my daughter's life. Tell me what's been going on," my dad said with a happy smile. 

"Honey, would you like some more ravioli?" Helen asked sweetly. 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Helen turned into an A-list actress every time that my dad came home. It was infuriating because it showed that Helen could be nice if she wanted to. 

"Yes, I'd love some," I responded politely. "Also, my life is pretty normal, dad. I'm just your typical teenage girl." 

"I don't believe that for a second, Annabeth. You are anything but ordinary. You're an incredibly intelligent and gifted person," my dad expressed. 

I smiled kindly as I continued eating. Honestly, my dad would know what was going on in my semi-messed-up life if he was more present. I bit my tongue to fight the urge to blurt out my feelings. 

Dad cleared his throat to catch my attention again before asking, "So, Annabeth, are you engaged in any relationship at the moment? That I should know about?" 

My thoughts intensified as Percy came to mind. My relationship with Percy was complicated before, but now, it was over. There's nothing there. 

I think there's nothing there. 

"No, dad. I'm still single at the moment," I said tensely. 

"Honey, Annabeth will be performing at the Fall showcase in three weeks," Helen said, shifting the conversation.  

My eyebrows raised as I looked at Helen. I never realized that Helen even paid attention to the details of my life. She was definitely playing some game right now.  

"I know, darling, she told me last week. It's a shame that I'll be missing it," my dad said. His smile receded in guilt. 

"I thought that you could come back and spend time here. I suppose you're busy at work, though," Helen expressed. 

There was a tension in her voice that indicated her distaste. Suddenly, I realized why she was interested in the showcase. It was a ploy for her to spend time with her husband. I didn't even blame her for using my life to help her marriage. I also want to spend more time with my dad. 

The dinner continued reasonably. The conversation shifted to the boys, who laughed with their dad. It was a happy sight and sound. 

An intrusive doorbell interrupted the pleasant night, which shifted to the living room. 

Helen had retired to her room to let my dad spend some time with me and the boys. The twins were excitedly debating about which movie to watch. 

"Annabeth, the boys and I are busy trying to decide a movie. Do you mind getting the door, please?" my dad asked. 

"Yeah, of course," I said as I got off the couch. 

The doorbell rang again in the time that I walked down the main hallway. "Hold on a second," I shouted as I unlocked my front door. 

However, I did not expect to see Percy standing there. 

He was wearing light jeans and a blue T-shirt. The shirt was slightly tight, so it effectively hugged his pronounced upper body. My emotions raged, but damn it, he was attractive. 

"What are you doing here?" I said harshly. 

I instinctively closed the door slightly so that he couldn't see into the house (not that this did anything). 

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