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Y/N Pov

''Hello!'' we said back.

They were both taller than us. Blond being at least inch or two taller than Tommy.

I saw brown haired guy looking at Drista. In fact, she was looking at him too! I could see how her eyes were glowing.

''Well, I think we should introduce our selfs.'' Blond started looking at burnete ''I'm Patrick and this s Jay.'' he said pointing at him.

''Hello ladies.'' he said.

We waved akwardly and introduced our selfs too.

''I'm Y/n.'' I said a bit unfomfortable because blond was looking at me stragly.

''And I'm Bony!'' Drista said. (okay, so, drista never saied her name so I just putter random one. it will probably not be used more that twice so.)

''Can we sit with you two?'' Jay asked.

''Well sure.'' I say'd and we moved to sit on other table where everyone can sit.

We talked for a bit. Eventually it hits 3pm.

Me and Patrick talked for a long time, while Drista talked with Jay.

I got to know some things about Patrick.

He is 18 years old just like Jay, so they are both year older than us. Patrick also lives here in Florida and so does Jay. He has one little sister and pet dog. His favourite colour is brown and he plays piano. Sometimes he went swimming and surfing too.

He has athlete body so I asume he plays some more sports.

We chatted for a little more when evenutally he mentions Dream. Popular minecraft youtuber, and asked us if we are watching him too by any chance.

Drista and I only exchanging looks.

''Ughhhh... yeah, we do.'' Drista said scared.

''That is nice. What about Sapnap?'' he asks again.

''Yeah, he is pretty cool.'' I said.

Thats when his eyes widen.

''OMG, you have british accent?!'' he looked at me.

I was shocked for a bit. I was talking with him all the time and now after I don't know but deffinetley more tah hour he recognised it?

''Yeah?'' I said sounding more like question.

''Nice. So do you maybe watch TommyInnit? He is one of popular minecraft YouTubers and lives in Britain?''

'oh no' I tought to myself. 'If he knows about Tommy he most deffinetley knows about Tubbo. And I was in one of Tubbos cooking streams!'

''Oh, uhh, yeah. He is pretty pog too.''

''And what about Tubbo?'' he raised his eybrow like he allready recognised me.

I decied to awnser that question no. Maybe he will think he tought wrong.

''Oh c'mon. You are lying to me!'' he said.

''Why would you think that?'' I asked him.

''Oh God- You are Y/n! Tubbos friend! Did you tought that I didn't recognised you?'' he asked.

''Well, yeah?''

''You are so stupid.'' he said laughing a bit. It obliviously beeing a joke.

We talked for a few more minutes. Jay and Drista allready exchanged nuumber and founded out they actually live pretty close.

''Oh no.'' I sudenlly remembered.

''What?'' Drista asked me.

''Eric!'' I looked at her.

''Who is Eric? Your kid?'' Jay joked.

''Well no. But yes.'' I said getting up.

''Wow, I really tought thay you were 17.'' Patrick laughed.

''I am, I was just suppose to look for him.'' I pulled Drista up ''Are you two coming with us?'' I asked boys.

''Well yeah, sure.'' they said and followed us.

We were looking around for Eric untill I spoted him.

I runned a bit to him to see him laying beside someone. I looked a bit down to see Toby?

''Is that Eric?'' Jay asked.

''Yeah, but where is Foolish?'' I asked Drista as I saw no fammiliar faces around exept Jack who was talking with Niki.

I walked to them and aksed where is Foolish. They said that he wented to car to help others pack theire bags siende we are leaving in 5 minutes.

I thanked them and went to sit next to two sleepy boys.

No matter how mad and sad over Toby I was, he was still one and only person in my life that I truly loved.

''You like him huh?'' I heard someone behind me. Just like one time Grayson sneeked but now it was Patrick.

''Yeah.'' I said a bit emmbarased my cheeks going red.

''Be happy to have him in you're life and don't let anything sepparate you from him. I know what happened. Bony told me.'' he slightly smiled at me and I smiled back.

''Thank you.'' I said and he leaved. Leaving me with two sleeping boys once again.

Few minutes passed and we were all in car. Clay agreed and caried Toby while I carried Eric who was really light.

Now I was squished in middle of Toby and Eric, each of them on one of my ahoulders.

Again, after some time we got back to our mini houses. I carryed Eric to Clay's room while he carried Toby in ours.

I got back to our minni house. Now being 6pm I decied to take shower of dirty water we were in. Well, I wasn't but I like to keep myself clean.

After 3 minute shower I hoped out and changed.

I got out of bathroom to find Ranboo sleeping on couch. He looked really exhausted. Then I peeked trought his room and saw two more figures sleeping. One of them being Toby, and other Tommy.

I got in my and Graysons shared bedroom to find him on his phone.

''Hello.'' I said.

''Hi.'' he awnsered texting someone.

''Who are you texting?'' I teased ''Some girl?''

''Maybe.'' he said chuckling.

''Your mum doens't count like girl.'' I told him back.

''Okay then, I'm texting my mum.'' he said and frowned.

''Haha I knew it!''

We both laughed for a bit when I got text from Clay.

''Clay just texted me that we will go play some board games in 8.'' I told Gray.

''Okay.'' he said.

I pulled my phone up again and played some TikTok.

_______________________________________1002 words

Okay, I just readed one ff and one chapter had at least 10 000 words. Like. OMG. I CAN BERELLY WRITE 1000!!!

ALSO! I'm very proud of myself beacause I did my tests really good so far. I hope it will stay like that. :]

Well, have a good day/night/morning and see you tomorrow!!

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