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Y/n Pov

Niki pulled me into girls house.

''Okay. We need to get ready to go shopping.'' she said.

''But I have to go grab some clothes.'' I told her.

''I will go with you. I'm already ready!'' Hannah said.

''Sure let's go!'' she grabbed my hand and glanced our fingers together.

We started running a bit.

But then started to walk slowly again.

''You know. It is Eric's birthday tomorrow.'' I told her.

''Hahaha he already told us. That is why we are going shopping anyways!'' she said excitedly.

''Ohh okay!'' I replied.

Then we started to look trought my bag for something to wear.

Hannah said that everyone will wear something similar so I have to do so too.

That is when I hear and saw someone opening door of my and Gray's shared room.

''Ups wrong one.'' Fundy said and closed door. But before he fully closed it I heard Toby too.

''I told you it's this door!'' he yelled a bit.

Then I heard a small ''Sorry'' from Fundy, and ''It's okay.'' from Toby.

''Oh my God! Yes! I was hoping you will have this!'' Hannah said and pulled out short, black, tennis skirt and a bit oversized blue shirt with little cat on it, it saying 'meow', black fishnets and black boots. (beleve me. You would look very beautiful in that :])

That was really one of good outfits that I could wear but at home wouldn't because I didn't had taste like Hannah. She always knew some great combinations to wear.

''Okay. Now. Let's go back to girls to change.'' she said and we left.

On my way out I also heard Fundy from bench trio's room saying 'meow' too. Which made me laugh.

When we came out of our minni house and started walking to girls. I saw that owl again.

Sience now was more sunnier I get to saw it better.

Owl had beautiful, big, blue eyes with some green on them. It was also brow with some white lines all over it. It was really beautiful.

''C'mon Y/n!'' Hannah yelled from door.

''Comming!'' I runend a bit and entered they're room.

''Okay. You go change in bathroom sience Puff is changing in first room and Niki in second.'' Drista told me. She was already ready just like Hanah so I entered bathroom.

I started changing.

When I changed I looked at myself in mirror.

'Wow, this actually looks really good on me!' I tought to myself and spinned around.

When I spinned my skirt goes a bit up. But thats why I have some black almost invisible shorts under.

I tucked blue shirt in skirt and lefted it like that.

When I got out. Everyone except Niki were out.

''Where is Niki?'' I asked.

''Oh, we wanted to do some make-up but didn't had blush in colour we wanted and no one knew how to do perfect eyelined except Minx who is afraid doing it on us.'' Puffi said.

''Hey! I'm just scared I will get someone's eye out!'' Minx yelled.

''Anyways, Niki left to go find Eret. She said that he deffinetley has blush colour we wanted and he will do perfect eyeliner for us!'' Drista finished.

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