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Y/n Pov

After about ten more minutes, we were home.

On the ride, a driver and I talked a bit.

He had daughter that was eleven years old, and he said that she is obsessed with this one YouTuber.

"...yeah, and she wattches that one guy constantly! I really don't get it. All he does is play some game called Micraf." he said and I laughed.

"Did you meant Minecraft?" I asked.

"Yeah! That thing! Wait, do you know the guy I am speaking of?" he then asked me.

"Do you know where is he from or what his hair colour is?" I asked him.

I pretty much knew all the YouTubers that existed, and the way he spoke about him, it was deffinetley the one person I know.

"Umm... They way he speaks is like he is British, and his hair is blond? I think? But one think I know, if you are ever watching him, God! Please turn you're volume down. Because that guy, he screams like a little girl." as he ended his sentence I started laughing even more.

"I deffinetley know who are you talking about." I said and he looked at me surprised. "Is his name maybe, TommyInnit?" I asked.

"Yeah! It is! How do you know?" he asked.

"Oh, I knew him for a while now." I said.

"Wait- you're voice sound familiar to me. I think I heard you before. We're you on a some kind of show or something?" he asked me.

"Nope, I was on Tubbo's stream." I said.

"Wait, Tubbo, Tubbo, Tubbo." he repeated to himself.

"Is that the guy with brown hair that likes bees?" he asked me again.

"You got it right!" I said once again.

"So.... You..... You must be Y/n?" he said hopefully, but wanting to get my name wrong.

"I am! Oh my God! You are the first person that recognised me!" I said happily.

"Really?" he said happy too.


"Can I get a picture or autograph?" he asked me.

"Yes! Sure!" I told him happily.

After about two more minutes we were outside the house.

"Here." he said and handed me the phone.

I took few pictures of us and gave him his phone back.

"My daughter will be so happy. Thank you so much Y/n. I just got her a best birthday present ever." the man said.

"It is her birthday soon you say?" I asked.

"Yeah, in two days actually." he said back.

"Okay, I have a plan." I said to him.

We chatted for about ten more minutes, when he had to go.

"I have to go now. Another people want taxi service!" he said.

"Oh, okay! We will keep in touch!" I said and waved to him as he drove away.

I helped Freddie get up from the concrete where he was sitting half asleep.

I also helped him with his stuff, and we headed I side the house.

It was about 1 am by now. (not pretty sure I got time right) So I obviously wasn't gonna knock because everyone was sleeping.

I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door.

Freddie and I entered.

He then close the door and I locked it again.

"I'm going to shower, the I will go to the sleep." Freddie told me while yawning.

"Okay, me too." I wispered back. "I'll just go see the others first." I smiled even tho he couldn't see it from how dark it was.

"Goodnight." I said.

"'Night" he said back.

First, I went to Bill's and Patrick's room.

I was scared that they didn't hurt themselves, or destroyed the house.

But I think that Aimsey and Serena did a great job.

I entered, and they were sleeping so I didn't bother knocking.

I opened the door.

And I was not expecting what I saw.

Bill's bed was empty, and in Patrick's bed were laying two people, cuddling.

I came closer to them and shook them both.

"Guys, what are you doing in same bed?" I asked and laughed.

"Hmm? What? We watched horrors and we were scared. Leave us alone mum." Billy said half asleep.

I holded back my laughter as I kissed both of they're foreheads and pulled blankter over them.

"Goodnight you two." I said and left the room, leaving the door a crack open for Freddie.

Then, I went to Aimsey and Serena's room.

I again, didn't knocked, and just entered.

There, I saw what I was expecting.

They were in same bed too. Cuddling of course.

I just chuckled a bit before closing the door fully and leaving them to sleep.

Now, I went to the other bathroom in the house.

I brushed my teeth, and washed myself.

When warm watter hit me, I felt like I was gonna fall asleep right there.

I mean, it was quite a long flight.

When I finnaly finished showering, I quickly dressed into my pyjama and headed to my room half asleep.

It was dark, so I couldn't really see where I was going.

And half way trought the hall, I bumped into someone really, really tall.

"Ouch!" a deep voice said.

"I'm sorry." I apologised and stated walking to my room.

I got inside and closed the door.

I hurried and got under the covers.

They were so soft.

It was nice being back.

But I will miss Beau too of course!

As I was just about to fall asleep, I heard like someone fell.

I laughed and tought that it was just either Bill or Patrick falling off of a bed.

Then, I fell asleep.

About I don't know how much later, but probably not that much because I could still feel my blanket being cold, someone layed down beside me.

Then, they cuddled me.

I didn't have enough strength to ask who it is, so I just hugged they're arm tightly and fell back into the world of dreams.

But little did I know that arm I was hugging was not who's I tought it was.

_______________________________________1013 words

Next chapter on weekend!!

I have to go to school tomorrow and be there for more than ten hours!!!

So I should probably sleep.


Have a great night/day/morning!

Drink something and eat please!!!!

I luv u!!

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