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Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say that I will start calling Tubbo; Tubbo, not Toby anymore. I saw few comments that were saying that Tubbo is uncomfortable being called Toby. So thank you for anyone who said it! I really don't wanna make him uncomfortable and cross his boundaries! Now onto the chapter!

Y/n Pov

It's been three hours since Tommy called me. So in only nine hours I'll be in a VC with Tubbo.

I was so happy that I was jumping all over room.

"Hey! Y/n!" I heard Aimsey.

"Yeah?" I asked when I saw her. Large smile all over my face.

"Woah, what happened?" she asked.

"Oh nothing, I'll just stream with Tommy tonight." I tryed to play it cool by not mentioning that Tubbo will also be there.

She smiled a bit. She must have known.

"Okay, Serena and I will go to cinema. I wanted to ask if you will be alright all alone with three boys in house? I mean. It is like babysitting the three baby's." sha said and laughed.

"I'll be fine. Go and have fun!" I said and waved at them.

They exited door and I screamed in pillow.

Then I sat up straight again.

'I guess I could go move my stuff in spare room.' I tought and went to Serena's and Aimsey's room.

I started to move my things to the room next to where Tubbo's, Tommy's and Ranboo's was supposed to be.

After about twenty minutes, all my stuff was now in that room.

I layed down on the bed.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said and head peeked in.

"Hey!" he said.

"Hey. What is up?" I asked sitting up straighter.

"Nothing, Bill and Patrick fell asleep while being on the phone so I decided to come check on what you are doing." he told me and smiled.

"Well, as you can see, I moved to another room. I wanted to give our perfect couple some time alone." I said and snot her smile crossed my face.

"That is nice of you." he said and we stayed in silence.

I leaned my back agains the wall and Freddie layd on my bed.

"Isn't it just so nice to be in a house full of people who you know support you." Freddie asked.

"Yeah. It really is. It is also comforting. I wish we could all just move in here and spend the rest of our life's like this." I said.

"Me too." he said and looked up at me.

We were just looking into each other eyes once again.

His blue eyes shined in my dark room.

It was like he had stars in them.

"You have pretty eyes." I commented and he blushed.

"Thanks." he said.

We were quiet for a moment.

"What should we do now?" I asked getting up and leaving the room, him following me from behind.

"I don't know. We can watch some movies?" he said.

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