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Aimsey Pov

"You need to calm down!" I yelled at Y/n.

"Just breath, honey, it will be okay." Serena told her and tapped her on shoulder.

"I-I can't." she said hyperventilating.

In that moment, her sister walked into the room with Lani.

Just about on time.

"C'mon, give me a hug." Ela said to Y/n and she immediately hugged her.

Suprisingly, Y/n calmed down and started to breath normal.

It was morning, just passed 10 am.

Last ten minutes we were trying to calm Y/n down.

Last night, Tubbo asked her out on a date! FINNALY!

So this morning, around 7 am, she had ran into my and Serena's room and told us about the date.

We still couldn't believe that.

But now, we were trying to calm her down.

She was thinking that Tubbo will cancel everything and tell her that he actually doesn't like her when it's obvious that he likes her now, just like he liked her before.

"Thank you." Y/n said to her sister, tears still running down her face.

"So, why are you crying and why did we have to drive all the way from the house just to give you ice cream?" Ela asked Y/n and gave her ice cream. It was something that always calmed her down.

"Tubbo and I are going on a date." she said and put a whole spoon of ice cream in her mouth.

"What?!" Ela and Lani screamed.

"Yeah," Y/n talked again with her mouth full of ice cream "we also kissed last night." she said and they're faces went blank while Serena and I were just laughing.

"Excuse me! Why did no one told us?!" Ela yelled.

"Yeah!! We were waiting for you two to confess you're love towards each other forever!!" Lani yelled at Y/n too.

"I'm sorry! What was I supposed to do? Call and say, hey, me and Tubbo kissed and we are going on a date. Like. Who does that??" Y/n yelled at them back.

They were all looking into each others eyes and eventually bursted out laughing.

After few laughs, we started to talk normal again.

Y/n Pov

I was going on a date!

And not on a date with just random dude.

But with my crush!!

With Tubbo!!

I honestly don't know what to do.

I am scared he will cancel everything.

But I trust him, and I know he likes me. I hope so.

"We are going now. Bye." Ela said and she and Lani left.

"Bye girls." we all said.

When they left, Serena and Aimsey turned around to look at me.

"Why so weird looks guys?" I asked half laughing.

"We are going to pick you an outfit." Aimsey said and left for to go to my room.

When she did, Serena looked at me.

"You know you have the best girlfriend ever." I said to her and she giggled, both of us laying down on her bed.

"I know." she said "And you will soon have the best boyfriend ever."

I sighed.

What if he didn't actually liked me?

And what if he was just pretending to make me feel better?


He likes me.

I have to be sure in something at least one time in my life.

"I hope so." I told her and stood up as Aimsey walked into my room with a flawless dress. (saying again, just change it if you want :))

It was yellow dress with flowers all over it.

Really pretty.

"Thank you." I told her and went to bathroom to change.

After about thirty minutes, I came out.

"You look stunning." they both told me.

"I know." I said and giggled.

"Let's go find you're princ sharing." Aimsey said.

We all left the room to find Tubbo.

He was running around the house and yelling something.

"Ranboo did you find it?!" He yelled across the room to Ranboo who was behind the couch.

"No!" he yelled back.

"I can't go without it-" he stopped talking as he ran into me. "Hey." he said blushing.

"Hey." I giggled "Are you ready to go?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah... I just need to find this thi-" Ranboo cut him off.

"Found it!" he yelled and threw the box across the room where Tubbo caught it.

"Thank! Let's go now. Shall we?" he asked jokingly.

"Let's go." I said to him.

We both got out of the house and started to walk to nearby caffè.

This wasn't a regular date.

It was more like normal breakfast exept we now know that we both like each other.

We got in, and sat down.

"So... How are you?" he asked me.

"I am good. You?"

"Pretty good, you know, just sitting in front of some random beautiful girl, nothing weird." he said.

My cheeks went dark red. And I could tell that his went a little pinkish too.

"Wow, really good. Just next time, don't use word random." I winked at him.


After that little conversation, we both went silent.

We didn't know what to say or how to act.

I mean, neither of us have had went on a real date before, just friendly meaning ones.

"I have to ask you this but... You told Tommy that you like me? And you didn't even tell you're best friend that you like someone?" he said.

I laughed and took his hand in mine.

"Well I guess that we do have some secrets. But I promise. This was my last one." I said to him, my eyes looking straight at his.

"Well... I might have one more secret... But I will tell you about it later." he told me as waitress came to us and we ordered our food.

After that, we waited for few minutes before food came.

He took few pics of me and said that he posted them in Twitter.

I quickly got my phone out to see what has he posted.

@Tubbo_ Finnaly got the guts <3
*one immage attached*

__________________________________________1010 words

Just found out that my favourite characters in a TV series will die soon, feeling broken.

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