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Y/n Pov

Dear Y/n,

hello, hi, I don't really know what people write in there so if this is a bit weird I'm sorry... heh. Okay, so, you are my friend, my best friend. And I just wanted to say that you are really great. Like. We spend our whole lifes together and I will never regret single thing we did together. From first day I remember you, you were so little, just like I was! But you were first thing I saw. You were first person who slept in bed next to me! Heh, funny story. My mum actually told me that when we were born, your's mum and mine decied to put us sapperated. Like, in two beds. But at night, we were both crying so then they put us together, by eachother. She said that we both stopped crying and littelearly holded hands. Then, other day when our fathers came to visit, they drove in one car, and when they came they asked our mum's did they already planned our wedding. Next thing, when we came back home we wouldn't be without eachother so my mum and dad stayed at your place for three day's. Next thing I remmember was that my first steps were to get to you. You're mum told me that story, and when I fell, you started laughing so I did too! Also, our tree house, the one we build with our dad's. Whenever you were sick. And whenever I felt alone, I would aways go there. Because it reminds me of you and it makes me happy! And all I want to be around you is happy. And all I want you to be is happy. You are my thruly my best friend.I know I am best friends with Ranboo, and Tommy, well Tommy is more like brother to me but anyways, you will always be my number one. And whenever you feel sad, or unhappy, or whenever you are hurted, just know that I will always be there for you and you can always count on me. Oh! One more memmory! You shurly know that scar you have on your left cheek. My and your dad told me that when were in second grade I think, two boys came to me and asked me why I have painted nails. I told them that night before I was at you're place and you painted them. They didn't beleaved me and started calling me gay. Then you came outside and saw waht is going on. Then they explained to you that you shouldn't hang out with me anymore because I'm gay. You then told them you know me very good and that you don't care who I like. Then, out of no where, that one boy punched me. You saw that and punched him in nose, which coused his nose to start bleeding. Then some other guy named Zayn come to you and punced you on your cheek. You then passed away and woke up in hospital. But I newer told you this actually. When you passed away, I came closer to this boy and kinda broke his arm. My mum had told me that I should appologise to him but I didn't wanted to, so she forbitten me to go in hospital to visit you. But Zayn didn't apologised either to you. I also had told my mum if he appologises to you that I will to him. He never did that so I never did either. :] Now, I'm appologising to you for not appologising to him. But just for you to know, I never will! Anyways, I think I kinda left my point here, I will always be there for you. If you ever need me, I will be you're shoulder to cry. And sometimes if we even have some argument, just tell me tu turn in listening mood and I will, I will forget all our fights and just listen to you. So now, about two weeks later, I'm writing this, we just had an argument. Well to be clearer, girl kissed me. I want to tell you that if you ever feel upset and/or anything, just come to me and I will listen to you. You are my best of best, best friends that exist, and I will never be able to forget myself if I lose you. But also, if you ever want me to back away, to stop hanging out with you, and, (by the words of Purpled) being clingy. I will, just tell me. Well, at least I don't think I have to care about that. You will tell me that. You really have no fear to tell anything to anyone, and that is good! But sometimes you also can be very, very shy. And I found that really cute. Also, sorry for beeing dump sometimes, I know how stupid people can be. And sorry for calling you over ten times, when you said that I can't do that again and that if I do that again you will stop being my friend. But here I am! I called you over thirtyfive times and you are still my best friend! And I really appriciate you for that. You are best thing that ever happened to me. Or I to you? I don't really know who is older. Hey! I just got off call with my mum and she told me that I am older exactly 1 minute! Now I can finnaly say that you have to listen to me because I'm older! Hehe. But again, thank you for beeing there for me and sticking with me trought hard situations. After this note I will maybe made another one based of what I think it's right. You will probably see on what I mean on our birthday. Anyways, I'm really lucky to be in your life, in same school with you, in you're house to laugh with you, in your mind for you to think about me, in our street to run up and down of it, and mostly for me beeing there in your heart. Thank you for that.


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Okay, this chapter is only letter. If some of you didn't understand it.

Also, on Saturday is my birthday! So you can expect at least 2 chapters that day!!!!

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