Chapter 3: Festival...?

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This was not something I expected to happen the next morning. My room was extremely noisy. Many servants entered the room, including the king and my brother.

Because this is my new life, I'm treating them as if they're my real family right now. 'Hiroka, may you rest in peace. Let me handle the rest.'

"You've finally awoken, Hiroka!" I overheard my father say.

'Finally woken up? What does that mean?'

"Get a doctor!" I heard my brother yell. Some of the servants immediately complied and exited the room.

"Is it hurting somewhere, Hiroka? You've been bedridden to your room for a week." My brother expressed concern.

"W-wait, a w-week?" I asked with a hoarse voice. My brother nodded and patted my back, which helped me relax. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. It was the female servant who was ordered to get a doctor.

"The doctor has arrived, your majesty and highness." she said

"Let him in," my father instructed.

The servant nodded and motioned for the doctor to enter the room. When the doctor entered, he was a old man in his fifties.

"I greet His Majesty, The King, and His Highness, The Crown Prince." The doctor greeted and my father and brother nodded and let the doctor examine me. The doctor examined my body and was astounded by the results, although his face was occasionally saddeningly sadden. He turned around where my father and brother were standing after completing his task.

"I have both good and bad news." He began to speak.

"We'd want to hear the good news first," my brother explained.

The doctor nodded and said, "The good news is, the pain the 2nd prince previously had has diminished, and the poison inside his body has slowly spread throughout his entire body, as if time has stopped." My father, brother, and servants all exhaled with relief.

"What about the bad news?" My father inquired. The doctor was hesitant to speak, but he did so because he was in the presence of the King and the Crown Prince.

"The bad news is that he continues to cough up blood and that his body is quite frail. In his current state, he is unable to use his powers. We doctors are still unable to develop a cure. We tried to find out what kind of poison it was, but none were found. The toxin is extremely rare and lethal in the human body." My father, brother, and the other servants were depressed. Several maids sob uncontrollably.


I'm currently sitting on a chair in my room, reading a book. Following that day, my room fell silent once more. My father and brother started working again. I couldn't do anything except eat and sleep. If you ask me, it was a little monotonous. Then Allea, my new personal maid, was presented to me by my father. We became friends after knowing her since that day. My personal maid, Allea, kept me company. She was pleasant and amusing.

Allea told me that the person who poisoned me was never found, like a mist that vanished into thin air. Looking at her as she explained the scenario, she was furious at the person who poisoned me. This family appears to be really concerned about Hiroka. I can feel the warm sensation inside my body as if it were saying he was overjoyed.

So, first and foremost, I need to meet Riko Touma. The heroine met Riko during the festival; however, when was the festival again? I don't have time to sit around doing nothing. I must find a way to persuade my brother and father- When I heard a knock, I snapped out of my thoughts.

"It's Allea, Your Highness," I heard Allea's voice from the other side of the door, I smiled.

"Come in," I said. The door opened wide and Allea came in. I stared at her and Allea was stunning, as she always is. She has grey eyes, brown hair, and wears a maid uniform. It brightens my day. In my prior universe, she resembled my mother.

"Umm, your highness.." I snapped again on my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, you remind me of someone" I said, looking down at the book I was reading to keep Allea from seeing how embarrassed I was.

"I see... Oh yes, your highness, I brought you some tea." She said this as she approached me.

"Thank you, Alea," I said, and Allea smiled as she slowly placed the silverware on the table in front of me. She poured me a cup of tea and then stood straight, anticipating another order. I blew on the tea first to avoid getting burned, and then drank it.

'This is delectable.'

"Did you make this, Allea?" I inquired, slowly placing the cup as a royal would. The recollections of Hiroka performing royalty moves are quite useful.

"No, your highness, I bought it when out shopping with the other maids. I thought it would be your liking since this tea was made for the festival tomorrow"



"There is a festival tomorrow?!" With stars in my eyes, I inquired.

In my former life, I had always wanted to attend a festival, but I couldn't since I was sick. This is fantastic. This is my perfect opportunity and perfect opportunity to meet Riko, although the location isn't given much detail. I can't let this slide!

"Oh my goodness.....I-I..." My maid murmured, and then she abruptly bowed. Her behaviors perplexed me.


"I sincerely apologize, your highness. His Majesty and the Crown Prince have ordered that we never mention the festival; if we do, you'll be going to attend the festival even though you are sick. His Majesty informed us that you enjoy festivals. I'm sorry for keeping this from you" Allea was in a panic and was about to cry, but she restrained herself.

'Oh, I forgot about that'

This family is so guarded that they believe carrying a small piece of book will broke my hands. To believe that Hiroka and I share similar tastes. I exhaled a sigh. 

"I should talk to my father and brother," I said.

Allea looks up at me, surprised "HUH?!...B-but, your highness—"

I cut her off and said "I'd like to go to the festival whether you like it or not. Nobody is going to stop me. I'm going to try to persuade my father and brother."

"P-persuade?.. But, your highness, how would you accomplish this?" She inquires and I grinned as I noticed her flinch.

'HEHEHE, I know their weakness.' With this cute face of mine, they can't stop me. Yes, since the day the room has fell silent after the servants, my family and the doctor left. I've been looking in the mirror at myself. This body's host, or should I say Prince Hiroka, has a fairly attractive face. You even want to kiss his cheek because he's so cute and handsome.

Transmigrated as the ill 2nd Prince (BL)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora