Chapter 20: Daichi Goro

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Good day to everyone!

Please accept my apologies for the delayed update. I was stuck for ideas on what to do next and was loaded with school tasks. In addition... I'd want to thank all those who pointed out the errors in my story. Huhuhu (╥﹏╥) to think that this was going to be transmigration, but I merely used the term reincarnated. That's very embarrassing ( ≧Д≦) . But, in any case, I'm going to start rewriting some of it right now. Have a fantastic day, you guys!


The Next Day

I sighed as I stood in front of the palace with Allea, waiting for the carriage, which was brother Daichi's carriage, to arrive. Brother was supposed to join me in greeting him, but he's busy training Riku and doesn't want to waste time until he returns to school. With this action, Brother Daichi must have some serious business with me instead of just visiting to say hi, and Brother Daichi and Father aren't that close enough to talk to each other. After all, Brother Daichi only comes here to the palace if something is important or serious to discuss, and my brother is always there to see him but, since my brother didn't come to see him today, that means they didn't have a serious conversation. So that can only indicate that he came to see me and talk about my situation.

"Your highness, the carriage has arrived," Allea said that you can already tell and see brother Daichi's carriage approaching from where you stand.

The carriage finally came to a halt about 10 meters ahead of us. We could already see the carriage driver open the door, and a young man about my brother's age emerged from inside. A young man with purple eyes and light violet hair. He wore simple earrings on his right ear and was dressed in clean noble attire.

I'm feeling a little nervous right now. This will be my first face-to-face meeting with him. After all, I just came here to this world.

In the novel I read in my previous world, I only knew Daichi Goro as a serious and strong man who would never betray the Callisto, even if it meant risking his life. He was always by The Crown Prince's side, and he was always at his service to him. Earth and Shadow were the two elements of his magic. Shadow was referred to as an Advanced Elemental Magic.

Callisto, it's the same. The fire progressed to lightning, and my water, of course, progressed to ice.

As brother Daichi and I met our eyes. As expected, his expression is always serious but pleasing to the eyes of others. I saw him smile and I returned his smile, but then...he seemed irritated by something...? He appears to have a tick mark on his forehead, or perhaps I'm seeing things.

As brother Daichi approached us, he bowed and said. "I greet the highness the second prince, and I'm delighted that you've come to see me," he said respectfully with quite a serious face. He then unbowed and turned to face me, I'm pretty sure he was irritated but didn't know what it was that made him like this.

"Of course, I'd be also happy if your stupi- I mean The Crown Prince came me here too but anyways, it's been a while since I last saw you, and you've grown tall." he continued, making me almost sweatdrop. So this is the cause of Brother Daichi's annoyance.

'I'm fairly certain he was going to say "stupid" to my brother.'

"It's been a while too, brother Daichi, and I'm delighted you've finally here. Brother told me yesterday that you'd be coming here, and I was excited to see you again. Anyway, how about we go inside first and talk there? You must be exhausted from the travel getting here." I spoke and he nodded.

"Is your stup- Ahem... Is The Crown Prince busy?" he asked as we entered the palace with Allea.

'hahaha,' I laugh in my thoughts as I sweat dropped in what he said that almost called my brother stupid.

"W-well, he's really busy; brother was supposed to join me to meet you, but he was preoccupied with training someone and doesn't want to waste time on his three-month vacation," I explained, attempting to back up my brother.

"Training someone? That's rare for your brother," he said, surprised. True, the Crown Prince has never trained someone so thoroughly before. After all, in the eyes of the nobles, Brother was icy like his father and believed that the Crown Prince did not want to waste time on someone in whom he had no interest. If the nobles learn of this, they may be surprised and wonder who the crown prince is interested in training with if he does not want to squander his time on vacation instead.

"Who did he train?" Brother Daichi asked, interested.

"Riku Touma, my soon-to-be personal knight," I remarked, smiling.

"Hmm," he hummed as we finally entered the palace living room. We sat across from each other on the couch, and Allea excused herself to get some tea for us to drink.

"So, Brother Daichi, let's get right to the point: I believe you came here for me to talk about my situation." I said as soon as Allea left the living room. My expression was solemn, and I noticed Brother Daichi smile and sighed.

"As expected, your highness, you are as clever as ever." He gave a small chuckle.

Hiroka, in the original of this body. He was always able to understand things directly as a child. Daichi was astounded by Haru's little brother's intelligence at the age of five, and this is how Daichi and Hiroka became friends.

"As you said, I'm not here to do business with your brother, but with you. Your brother previously informed me about your condition, and I became very concerned and angry at the person who did that to you," he began the serious chat while crossing his arms.

"Your stupid brother wants to do me a favor and asked me to perform my magic on your earrings to protect you." He remarked this while staring at my slightly gleaming earrings.

'He finally said it,' I sweatdropped, but quickly faded and was confused.

"Like a shield..?" He nodded, and it was at that moment that we heard a knock on the door, and Allea entered with a tray of tea. She served it to us and immediately excuses herself from the room since she can see by our expressions that our chat was serious. After all, privacy contributes to our physical protection.

I sipped the cup of tea from the table in front of us and said, "I see... this must be simply in case something very horrible happens to me when the guards are unable to protect me." I place the empty cup on the table and continue, "For example, being abducted or caught in some type of trap that we couldn't figure out, or being attacked by magic out" Brother Daichi nodded again and took a sip of tea.

'That will be useful...As usual, the King and Crown Prince will do whatever in their power to ensure Hiroka's safety.'

Transmigrated as the ill 2nd Prince (BL)Where stories live. Discover now