Chapter 5: Going Out

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The Next Day

I'm currently standing outside the Palace, accompanied by my personal maid. Today I wore a gorgeous prince outfit that every prince should wear, as well as a blue cape to deflect unwanted attention.

 Today I wore a gorgeous prince outfit that every prince should wear, as well as a blue cape to deflect unwanted attention

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Some people were aware of the existence of the second prince, but they had never witnessed the second prince's appearance. Doubt rumors circulated that the 2nd prince was cold-hearted like the king and the crown prince, and some even claimed that I was shy and terrified because I stayed at home everyday without stepping out.

I'm wearing a cape, to keep people from finding out that the 2nd prince was sick. My body is totally skin and bones, and I'm also quite frail. If commoners and nobles were aware of my condition, they would spread it and take advantage of us Callisto.

Now that I think about it, this is my first time seeing the palace from the outside.

'It sure is big'

My maid and I heard a sound approaching and realized it was the carriage. I couldn't wait to get on that and ride to the event.

Allea's POV (maid)

I couldn't help but chuckle when I observed the highness's expression. I was overjoyed that his majesty and his highness, the crown prince, approved of his participation in the event.

I was so terrified yesterday that I accidentally notified the highness about the event. I sighed

'Me and my big mouth'

When several servants discovered this, I was severely scolded. Because of me, the highness will be scolded when he informs his majesty and the highness, the crown prince about his intention to attend the event. This is extremely my fault, but I couldn't help but wonder when several servants stated they observed the highness prince heading happily towards his room. We were perplexed at first until Alfred, the butler, arrived. He informed us that his majesty and his highness, the crown prince, had agreed that the highness will attend the event. We, the servants, were overjoyed. For the very first time, his highness can finally go outside the palace. I assumed he was being scolded, but thank the goddess he wasn't.


I and the highness both heard that his highness being called. We looked in the direction of the sound and saw his majesty and his highness, the crown prince, approach towards us. When they eventually got to us. I bowed in their direction.


'It's quiet.'

I looked up and saw his majesty and his highness, the crown prince staring at the highness, while the highness smiled back. I started to perspire. In less than a minute, his majesty and highness, the crown prince, smiled.

"I'm glad you're happy, Hiroka," replied His Highness, the Crown Prince. As an answer, the highness simply smiles broadly.

Seeing the highness smile. I'm sure many folks will have a wonderful day.

Hiroka's POV

"Oh right, Hiroka, take this with you," I heard my father responded, handing me a pouch. It was quite heavy, and I was curious as to what was within. I looked inside the sack and discovered gold coins. It's so shiny.

"Use it whatever you like, have fun there," my father added. I gave my father a big smile.

"Thanks father, I'll make good use of it" I handed Allea the pouch, and when she bowed, she proceeded straight to the carriage.

"Hiroka," my brother said, and I saw a man go towards where my brother was. The man had black hair, black eyes, and fight-appropriate clothing. I even saw him with a sword.

'Is this the knight that my brother told me about?'

"Hiroka, this is Paladin, he's the vice captain of our Callisto knights, and he'll be here to accompany you for your safety," my brother says as he introduces me to the knight. When I look at him closely, he reminds me of my father from my previous world.

"Hello Paladin, I'll be in your care" I said. Paladin bowed and replied, "I'll do my best your highness" I smiled at his reply.

"Your highness," I heard Allea's voice and I turned around to see her approaching me.

"The carriage has been readied," she said as I nodded and looked at my father and brother.

"Well then,, I should get going since I can't stay here for long because I'm too thrilled to get there," I remarked, my eyes twinkling. My father and brother both laughed.

"Have a safe trip son" I nodded to father as I walked to the carriage with Allea and Paladin.

I was the first to enter the carriage. The seat was comfortable and soothing. Allea and Paladin followed and sat down. Paladin was supposed to be outside in this carriage, but I believe my brother urged him to travel with me and Allea in case something went wrong.

We watched the carriage rider close the carriage door and proceed to where the horses were. Through the carriage's window. Many servants, including my father and brother, were waving at me. I returned the wave, and the carriage finally began to move. The palace was getting smaller and smaller until the trees could be seen.

Actually, now that I think about it. In his memories, Hiroka never left the palace. The king and his brother forbade him at all times. He was told that it was dangerous.

*sigh*, Hiroka's family is overly protective. This is the very first time, Hiroka went out the palace. He must be really sad, and he must have spent his time in that boring palace wandering around, reading books, and doing magic.

'Oh right, magic'

Thanks to Hiroka's memory, I think I understand how to utilize it. Hiroka was smart that even expert tutors that his father assigned to him where amaze by his intelligence.

Well that would not be a problem to me now. I read all of the books on Hiroka's shelf, the most of which were advanced and easy to understand. In my past life, the books were just for primary students.

In any case, we're still in the middle of a forest. I noticed some wild animals through the window. They were bunnies and wild wolves.

'Woah, this is my first time seeing a wolf'. When I was in elementary school, my parents and I went to the zoo. There were elephants, zebras, monkeys, and other animals, but I couldn't see a wolf anywhere in the zoo.

'Anyway, how much longer will it take us to get there?'

I looked at Allea, who was staring out the window, and observed that Paladin, the knight, was staring at her as well. He was smiling.


'Wait...oho, I guess someone has a crush,' I grinned to myself.


"Allea," I blurted out of nowhere. Allea turned to face me, and I realized Paladin snapped out of his daydream.

"How long would it take us to get there?" I inquired.

"Your highness, we'll be there in exactly 25 minutes," Allea answered.

"Ah, I see."

'Let's just sit back and watch through the window for now.'

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