Chapter 2.20 - Monster Exploration Hunt (6)

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The atmosphere was somewhat chilly. Kleo and Sheln, who were just standing still, started to sweat heavily. Park Do hissed in pain when he was so focused on his wound. Cheon returned a stern look to Hiroka, who maintained his resolve while doing the same. Professor Kim kept a silent eye on the situation while waiting for it to end. He was getting impatient now, especially with some annoying noble boys who had long since earned his displeasure for their arrogance.

Hiroka, who had been in a cold atmosphere with a noble, suddenly smiled, puzzling the onlookers with his change of expression.

"As we have another company, you'd better put your attention initially on this seek."

The team was confused because they were the only persons around, but that perception was changed when they heard a noise. Another goblin appeared in front of them. Two came to their eyes this time, which made them feel uneasy.

While the second goblin waited, the first goblin started to rush up to them. In an effort to defend himself, irritated Cheon took a slight step back and gripped his blade tightly. Park Do, who was hurt, became a little anxious. He couldn't help himself and pushed Sheln, who was standing close by and acting as a shield for him. Park Do was a disgusting scumbag.

He shocked Sheln much, and the first goblin was already close by. Kleo was horrified when he witnessed his sister being shoved.

The two siblings had endured a very difficult life. To survive, they did what they could. As a result, they both grabbed their weapons out of an impulse to survive and jointly stabbed the goblin in the stomach. When thick green slime burst from its guts, the goblin collapsed and died.

Sheln's hands and clothing were covered in thick green slime blood, and Kleo was no exception. Both were quite happy to have lived and to have given it their all, in contrast to some noble who wasn't but only told someone to defend themselves and did nothing. They are the ones who are cowardly.

Sheln and Kleo shared a relieved gaze. Professor Kim stood steady like a knight at the side of the wall to watch the students, crossing his arms and grinning broadly in praise of their strength of character.

They made Hiroka smile, but the chase wasn't over yet.

The second goblin screamed, "#£&!€$!" as it charged toward the siblings after noticing that one of its companions had been killed. This caused the siblings to stand guard and draw their weapons. It will be a little easier for them now that they have killed a goblin for the first time and that gave them courage that they can also kill the other.

Kleo moved forward to defend his sister as the goblin approached them and swung his sword at it, but the goblin dodged, taking Kleo by surprise. The goblin was already behind him, which caused Kleo to get uneasy. He was so slow to turn back that he was certain he couldn't make it. The goblin charged at his sister rather than attacking Kleo.

Kleo shouted, "Sheln, watch out!" Sheln bravely stood while holding the dagger with some nervousness.

Park Do and Cheon Do kept quiet as they viewed. They appeared to be observing for their own amusement from their look as Hiroka observed them.

Hiroka was in hold of the small piece of crumbled brick. When they were moving through the dungeon, he recently picked it up. He played with the crumbling brick in his hands while gazing thoughtfully at the goblin.

In the meantime, Sheln's situation. The goblin has now reached out to Sheln and raised its hideous claws in preparation to strike Sheln. Sheln took a deep breath before moving forward to prepare to stab the goblin, but she then noticed something passing her just as the goblin's stomach suddenly developed a small hole. It appeared to be being drilled. Shlen was faced by the goblin when it collapsed, and the ground was covered in green blood. Then a rolling, blood-filled small crumble brick made a noise next to the goblin before ultimately stopping.

Sheln, Kleo, Cheon, Park, and even the Professor showed surprise in their facial expressions. 'What was that?'
They pondered.

Kleo, who was aware of what had occurred, stared in wonder at Hiroka. As if inspecting his hands, Hiroka was clenching his hands and opening and closing them.

Given that Kleo was looking at his sister. He can see exactly from behind her what his teams—even the professor—were doing. Kleo witnessed Hiroka throw a small, hard object at the goblin, which caused it to die.

Kleo approached Hiroka directly and said, "Lord Isamu, thank you!" as he bowed to him in awe of his facial emotions.

"Don't mention it; I only did what I had to do," Hiroka said, looking up to him after sensing his presence.

To be completely honest, Hiroka wasn't even sure he would be able to strike the goblin; it was just sheer luck. Although he was afraid he would hit Sheln, he had no choice because the situation was dire. He used to play dodgeball with his friends in a past life. He attempted to strike his opponent with a ball, but it traveled in a different way. He tried over and over, but it never worked no matter what he did. Was there a problem with his hands? He was amazing at catching things, but he was never good at aiming, which was hilarious. Hiroka was embarrassed when he recalled the scene, and his childhood friend Aki kept making fun of him for how awful he was.

Hiroka was lost in thought when he heard Sheln compliment Lord Isamu, saying, "Lord Isamu, what you did earlier was truly shocking. You're really strong." Kleo agreed and nodded. Sheln was soon praising Hiroka next to his brother.

Hiroka shakes his head and says, "I'm not, it's simply luck."

Hiroka hardly ever used any force. The Goblin's stomach was penetrated by a fragment of a small brick that he had merely strengthened and sharpened with Mana flow. Hiroka solely uses Mana flow. Compared to using Mana flow, he would soon fatigue if he used magic. It is preferable to use just Mana flow throughout the entire hunt to keep him from becoming vulnerable. When he runs out of things to throw to free up mana for attacks, he will only use magic.

Anyway, congrats on your first monster kill! I was really impressed with the two of you earlier.

Sheln and Kleo smiled at what he said. When Cheon Do said, "Heh, It wasn't that truly great," the atmosphere, which was already excellent, came to an abrupt halt.

Kleo clinched his fists and muttered, "Ugh, I truly loathe them. Sheln had a bad feeling.

"I concur with you, brother. Common people are born weak, so how can they become stron–" Hiroka cut off Park Do before he could finish. "Time is running out, so let's go."

Hiroka received nods from Kleo and Sheln after they exchanged glances. They started to move and continued their exploration as they looked for monsters.

Cheon and Park Do merely expressed their hatred.

The Monster Exploration Hunt has a one-hour time limit, Hiroka recalled from the book. Depending on how many you'll hunt, the Professor who was assigned to your team will covertly record your team's results. Only one team will be exempted from the first written exam if they receive a very high score; all other teams must take the writing exam.

The written exam is described as being lengthy and extremely challenging in the book. You must pass two written exams, and your ability to advance to the next level-year will be determined by the results of those exams.

The heroine's team achieved a high score. She assisted her teammates' wound and tiredness recovery. That heightened the squad members' enthusiasm for the Hunt. At her first written exam, they were granted an exemption. But, the circumstance has changed as of late. The Demon Prince, who is currently supposed to be in his second year, was actually a first-year student. The Demon Prince team may get the best score this year among first-year competitors.

In the first-years novel, the Heroine's team received the highest score. The Demon Prince team in the second year, and of course, his Brother's team in the third.

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