Chapter 27: Rumor

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The next day, a rumor began to spread within the palace, and those who were at the Training Ground the day before were unaware. People inside are spreading more rumors to those who are unaware that The Crown Prince had lost in a duel with a commoner brought by The Second Prince. Some didn't believe it, while others doubted and believed it.

The Crown Prince's wounds were treated by those doctors who spread the rumors first. They were visibly shocked by The Crown Prince's wound from the commoner. The wound was small, but it was deep enough that blood was still pouring out. Doctors treating the wound were terrified, and once they were finished, they were not at all relaxed. The doctor said it would leave a small scar on his handsome and beautiful face, but The Crown Prince simply said it was fine. After all, he had an old large scar on his back that no one knew about except the King, Queen, Daichi and Vice-Captain, Paladin.

When the knights in Callisto's knight training ground heard the rumors, they were astounded as well. They never imagined that their captain, who was the best swordsman they had ever seen, would be defeated in a duel. Of course, some didn't believe it at first, but after Paladin, the vice-captain, explained the situation, they quickly believed it, with some startling expressions.

One of those knights simply clicked his tongue in irritation. Some Knights heard him but chose to ignore him because who wants to anger a powerful person? Asher was his name, and he was a commoner who was also strong. Like Alfred, many knights hold him in high regard.

Asher admired The Crown Prince's abilities, but he couldn't believe what he'd heard. He wasn't saying he didn't believe the vice-captain; he just wanted to see for himself. He wanted to see for himself how strong his abilities were.

Asher walks away, irritated, wondering how he will meet a commoner like him.

Meanwhile, Riko was arranging his belongings in his new room, which he had bought with Allea. He used to stay in a guest room, but The Crown Prince and the King ordered him to be moved to a room closer to The Second Prince's room.

The Crown Prince and the King simply reasoned that it would be safer for Hiroka in the future if something bad happened while no one was around to protect him in time. The Crown Prince and the King are only concerned about intruders or traitors.

*Knock... Knock*

Riko paused his work and walked straight to the door, which he opened. He met a 'he' servant face to face.

"Greetings, sir. The Crown Prince has summoned you to his office, and I have been instructed to fetch you and lead you there."

Riko gave a nod before closing the door behind him. And he walked calmly behind the servant in front of him. They run into Hiroka and his maid, Allea, along the way. The servant in charge of Riko bowed immediately.

"Good morning, Riko, and you as well..." Hiroka greeted Riko before turning to face the servant who was bowing to him.

"Hiroka, good morning."

"Good morning, Your Highness"

They exchanged greetings in unison. Riko's servant screamed in his head that Riko had called him by his name. His mind was screaming, but his face was calm. Of course, the servant was unaware that Riko should address Hiroka by his given name.

The servant cast a glance at Hiroka, expecting The Second Prince to frown, but what he saw surprised him. Hiroka simply flashed a smile.

Hiroka asked, "...Where are you heading?"

"...The Crown Prince summoned me to his office..." Riko replied. Hiroka replied with a smile after blinking in his statement.

"I see– *Cough* " As Hiroka finished his sentence, he coughed and quickly covered his mouth with his hands, which he quickly removed.

"Your highness, are you okay?" Allea asked, concerned. When Allea saw his master cough out of nowhere, she understood what it meant. Allea had seen it many times and knew The Second Prince would cough up blood–

"Don't worry, I'm fine; I just choked on my own saliva," Hiroka said, as Allea sighed with relief that she had misjudged The Second Prince's coughing up blood.

"Please be careful," Allea said, and Hiroka simply laughed.

Hiroka had just lied unknowingly to Allea and the servant. Hiroka coughed up blood but quickly wiped it away, which went unnoticed by the two except for Riko. Riko was taken aback and remembered Allea telling him about Hiroka's condition for the first time.

Hiroka saw Riko's stunned reaction and smiled at him, raising his hands while his pointer placed on his lips, clearly telling him to keep quiet and never tell anyone what he had seen. After that, Riko simply nodded, and Hiroka was satisfied.

Hiroka was actually playing magic in his room and had no idea how long he had been doing so. As a result, this incident occurred.

"I'll go back to my room and say hello to my brother for me," Hiroka said as he and his maid walked away.

Riko simply nodded as the servant bowed, and they immediately began walking.

The servant and Riko were soon standing in front of the door. The servant knocked three times on the door and said, "Your Highness, I have brought sir Riko," as a voice came from the other side.

"Come in"

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