Chapter 2.25 - MEH (11)

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Everyone in the dungeon had shocked expressions on their faces as they saw Hiroka. They weren't really prepared for an astonishing event to take place right before their eyes.

The goblins were being stopped from pursuing them further by an ice wall. Everyone present fixed their gaze on Hiroka's rear figure and the ice wall.

Both of Hiroka's hands were still lifted in the air, and he could see the frozen, pointed hand of a goblin across from him. Just a little bit closer to Hiroka, and those sharp goblin claws will undoubtedly pierce his face. The cold is causing the goblin's hand to tremble.

Hiroka exhaled a breath of relief before dropping to the hard floor on his butt. He is taking a breath.

Incapable of speaking about what they had just seen, Hiroka's companions remained silent. Still astonished. Before Sheln and Kleo abruptly snapped out of it and moved toward Hiroka, only his panting could be heard.

Kleo quickly exclaimed, "That was...amazing! H-how did you do that?!" but was interrupted by his sister, who struck him in the shoulder with her arm, "You shouldn't ask that first, brother."

"Ah right. Sorry, I got a little carried away," Kleo said, rubbing the back of his neck as Sheln nodded and turned to face Hiroka with concern.

"Lord Isamu, are you okay?"

Hiroka replied with his heavy pants, "I'm...okay.

"Are you sure? Your pale," said Kleo.

As Hiroka muttered, "Just...tired...from running," the others moved in their direction, and Cheon abruptly and angrily interrupted. "If you knew magic, you ought to have done that from the beginning!"

"And we wouldn't be struggling to flee for our lives here," Park added in response to his brother's statement. He was regretting he had to wait for the person who had saved his life. No, he shouldn't have to wait for a commoner!

When Kleo overheard them, he became enraged and said, "Stop! Aren't you supposed to say thank you?!"

Sheln concurred with his brother's statement and bravely added, "If it weren't for Lord Isamu blocking the path of so many goblins, the goblins would be chasing us nonstop and harming us."

To respond to what Sheln said, Park and Cheon were a little at a loss for words.  But when Kleo started talking about them, they became enraged.

Kleo tried to maintain his composure while knowing that fighting a noble would make his life terrible, saying, "This wouldn't have happened about getting chased in the first place when you should just listen to Lord Isamu about not sheathing your swords."

Cheon and Park screamed loudly, "Y-you commoner!"

When they heard approaching footsteps, Cheon and Park were just about to charge him for a beating. Other people may hear the footsteps through their ears.

The listeners noticed another team approaching them when they turned to look behind them.

As they stopped walking, took notice of Hiroka's team, and then peered through the ice wall, one of the team murmured, "This is..."

Another voice exclaims, "Woah!" as they stare at the ice wall and then at each of the opposing teams in front of them, wondering who made it.

They were about to speak with the opposing team when their teammate passed by them so quickly, interrupting them.

Hiroka, who was still gathering his breath, didn't pay attention to the newcomers when he felt a hand slowly caress his back. allowing him to feel comfortable and at ease.

Hearing a recognizable voice ask, "Can you stand?" Hiroka said, "Yeah...but let me rest more of a bit, Riku."

Riku knelt down next to Hiroka and nodded, "as you wish."

Riku's teammate, a demon, remarked, "Hey teammate, why are you squatting down? We still have a hunting--" but they cut themselves off as they noticed another team also squatted on the side not too far.

The demon wiped sweat from his brow as he turned to face his other teammate, "H-huh, wait! Not you too Your Hi- I mean Kiyoshi."

When Kiyoshi commanded, "Felix, sit down," the demon with the name Felix promptly knelt down on the rough floor like a dog.

Felix nervously laughed, "R-right, haha."

Anyone who witnessed the situation could only express confusion over what had just occurred.

"Are we really going to sit here and do nothing," wonder one person on Riku's team.

Another person says, "You know, we're still on the hunt."

The two human were ignored, which caused them both to start sweating. However, Sheln and Kleo soon approached them, leaving Hiroka where he was sitting and a boy who had approached their teammate , whom they were unaware of.

Kleo questioned, "Don't you think it was better that we all sat here and rested today?"

Sheln concurred with his brother, saying, "They seem worn out to me."

They were wondering of who they were as they stared at Sheln and Kleo.

Knowing that the two may be confused, Kleo introduces himself as Kleo and his sister Sheln as being from Class 1D.

A girl introduces herself cheerfully, "Nice to meet you, I'm Fey. From Class 1-F," with long brown hair that reaches her waist.

"My name is Paul. I'm from Class 1-B," revealed the young man, who had short, black hair and a dagger around his waist.

The four struck into a pleasant conversation together. Meanwhile the two aristocrats on Hiroka's team, Cheon and Park simply showed annoyance.

Cheon asked himself, "What the heck is this?"

Park remarked to his brother standing next to him, "You know brother, let it slide for now." envious of others who are resting. He definitely wanted to sit down because his feet were sore from running.

Cheon gave Park a chilly look in return. When Park saw this, he began to sweat and zipped his lips. But as another set of footsteps approached, everyone's attention was drawn to it.

As the entire class turned to see, additional team started to arrive.

Hiroka and Riku on the new arrival team hear a familiar girl's voice say, "Thank heavens, I thought we got lost again.

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