Chapter 2.31 - Club room

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Hiroka couldn't believe it no matter what.

Kiyoshi was planning on joining the Music Club. And Hiroka believed he'd already applied at the Swordsmanship club room on the second floor and was seeking for someone he knew on the fourth floor. He had no idea this would happen.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Kiyoshi knocked on the door three times, unconcerned about Hiroka's reaction.

The door fully opened after a few seconds, revealing a girl. Hazel eyes and purple hair to the shoulder. She wore an aristocratic outfit with a yellow brooch chain, showing she was a second-year student.

"New faces?" said the second-year girl as she stared at them.

A head popped out from behind the girl, a male voice was heard exclaiming, "This must be our luck!" With dark eyes and short red hair. Wearing an aristocratic uniform with a red brooch chain. He appeared the same year they did.

"We would like to hand it in," Hiroka says as he offers them the opportunity to examine the application. Kiyoshi raised his application paper as well.

"Yes, at long last, this club will continue to exist," the boy said, his eyes twinkling.

The girl examines their applications as well as the boy who cast a glance behind her.

After reviewing the applications. Hiroka and Kiyoshi were shocked as the boy swiftly seized their hands and shook them before stating, "Nice to meet the two of you! The names Fitz Boon, please call me Fitz, and I'm from Class 1-D."

Hiroka recognized Fitz after hearing his surname, 'Boon'. He could be the innkeepers' son, the Boons. If it does, Lady Boon and he have the same upbeat personality. (If you can't recall who they are, go to Chapter 2.6.)

"Welcome to the club, Lord Isamu and Lord Ichiro," the girl said as she officially addressed them and smiled as she welcomed them inside the room. "My name is Hella Easton, and I'm your class 2-C senior and club president."

As Hiroka and Kiyoshi entered, they were greeted by a tranquil, small room. A large window was immediately visible. There are a lot of empty chairs by the side. A grand piano with open piano sheets stood on the side. It was fairly obvious that it had been adequately cared for. A viola was even carefully placed atop the piano chair.

Lady Easton cries out, "Thank goodness, I thought this club was really the end for me," after hastily closing the door, attracting the attention of the two new members.

"Did something happen?" Hiroka inquired, intrigued.

"First and foremost, any club should have three or more members," Lady Easton stated from the open chair to the side.

"The student council visited yesterday, and sister here was told to get more members as soon as possible, or else this club will be band," Fitz stated.

"I was still able to let this club survive," Lady Easton explained. "I begged them for more time and assured them that Fitz would be joining, and that I'd be looking for more students as soon as possible."

"Sister was definitely struggling," Fitz admits, "but I'm glad I joined as soon as I could and was still able to keep the club going."

Lady Easton: "Hn...There were a lot of people in this club last year, including myself, who was still a first year at the time, but the majority of people in the club were third years."

As third-year students left, the group's membership shrank; by second year, some of my friends had left, leaving me as the only one; I became president of the club and ensured its existence."

"It must have been difficult for you to keep this club going," Hiroka worries.

"Thanks to you two for joining, the club will not be banding as the total number of members in this club is four! This is a celebration!" Fitz exclaims cheerfully.

"Anyway..." Lady Easton continued as she rose from her seat, "As the president of this club, Lord Isamu and Lord Ichiro, I want to see your talents tomorrow. This is the music club. I want to see what kind of music you'll show me that makes me satisfied."

If it does not satisfy me, I will terminate your membership in our group, even if it means finding another great music student or forcing someone to join as a new member."

"Sister, isn't that too much? They just joined, and you already know that no one will join this club; we were just lucky this time."

"Fitz, you already know me when it comes to music," Lady Easton was serious, and Fitz could only sigh. He is concerned about the two new members.

"Alright," Kiyoshi responded, leaving Fitz speechless.

"Will be ready for tomorrow, Lady Easton," Hiroka remarked, smiling.

Lady Easton paused for a time before responding with a smile, "I'll be looking forward to it then."

Hiroka and Kiyoshi both nodded. They quickly excused themselves and exited the club room.

"Where will you go next, Kiyoshi? I'm planning to go to the lobby and find out the results; I think there aren't as many students there this time," The two aristocratic boys were now much further away from the club room, almost at the stairs to go down.

"I'll also be going to the lobby, and that red hair must be waiting for me."

"Red hair? Was it the name Felix?"

Kiyoshi nodded, and Hiroka produced a 'O' shape on his lips, indicating that he understood, followed by silence.

Kiyoshi cast a sidelong glance at Hiroka, who remained concentrating in front of him. They were now on the way down the stairs.

"Tell me, Hiroka, what are you going to show her tomorrow at the club?" Kiyoshi inquired, returning his attention to the steps.

"I'll be singing," Hiroka replied flatly.

"I never thought the Second Prince of the Human Realm could sing; I'm looking forward to hearing you then."

"I enjoy singing and hope you enjoy my performance."

"Let's try performing together; you sing the song, and I'll play an instrument."

Hiroka was taken aback, and he turned to face Kiyoshi with stars in his eyes, saying, "Really?!"

Hiroka had always imagined himself looking forward to performing alongside someone in this world. He hasn't sung in a long time with others who will play the melody for him. He gets excited just thinking about it.

"I'll gladly perform with you, Kiyoshi."

"Then it's settled. We only have until midnight to practice. Can you do it?"

"Can do," Hiroka said, and then he had a thought. "Ah, right, what instrument are you using?"

"...You'll soon see it."


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