Chapter 14: Forgiven

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The Next Day, Hiroka's POV

Yesterday; was a little horrible, also a day when Riku and I began to get comfortable talking to each other. But I need to talk to him more for him to feel at ease with me. I was going to start yesterday, but he was too busy enjoying himself in the garden.


"Riku, I should go to my room first; please enjoy yourself here, but don't stay too late returning to the guest room," I said as I rose from my sit. I noticed him, who was enjoying broadly as he sat amongst a field of blossoming flowers. He simply nodded when he heard what I was saying. I started going after seeing his reaction and smile but before I started, I heard him call me.

"Your highness," He said as I turned around and faced him, "Please simply call me Hiroka." He was a little taken aback, but he nodded.

"Your voice," he began.

"Hmm, what about my voice?" I asked, confused.

'Was it bad? .... So far, I haven't adjusted to the original body's voice when singing.'



It was quiet, and I was waiting for him to say, but he simply stared at me, as if he was unsure what he was about to say. While I waited for him, a breeze rushed through, causing our hair and clothing to sway. I noticed some leaves flying in the air and others blocking my view of Riku. As the leaves eventually blow away from us, I can see Riku clearly. He was smiling. A smile that reflects the light of the moon. It was the first time Riku had smiled so brilliantly at me.

"It was lovely" I overheard him say. I just stood there, speechless, staring at him. What he's saying... It reminds me of Aki's response the first time he heard me sing.

It brought a smile to my face just thinking about it. Those were the days I'll never forget. Aki was my light; he was always with me no matter where I went. He was my best buddy, and now I'm seeing Riku in the role of Aki. I genuinely miss and adored him. Yes, I アキが好き, and I 私の気持ちを彼に伝えたかった, but I 私たちの友情を台無しにすることを恐れていた. (I like Aki, and I wanted to convey my feelings to him, but I was afraid to ruin our friendship.)

"Thank you," I gave Riku a smile and began walking away, recalling those memories, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

'I really miss Aki.'


Aki was interesting to talk to, and I'd want to get to know him more because Riku didn't reveal much about himself in the story. It was simply said that he was silent, only spoke to the heroine, was skilled with a sword, and could control magic. He was strong, but the demon prince and brother were stronger. However, Riku was excellent in the role of a knight who saves the heroine from any danger.

Oh, I forgot to tell Father and Brother about Riku becoming my knight.

Right now, I'm eating breakfast with my father and brother at a dining table. I was going to tell them about Riku but then, I recalled what occurred the day before.

'Are they still mad? ' I thought as I glanced at my father and brother, who were busy eating their pancakes.

The room was quiet, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. I even noticed a few servants who were sweating heavily, including Allea, who was standing near me. If you're wondering where Paladin is, the vice president of the Callisto knight, he returned to the knight's dorms and is practicing with the other knights on the training ground. Riku, on the other hand; was in the guest room eating breakfast alone because this dining room was exclusively reserved for the Callisto family. They would not accept commoners or even other nobility as members to join. The dining room; was only used by Callisto, and it was the only time the family could have a quiet conversation or possibly have a meal together. Anyway, let's talk to father and brother.

"Umm... Father...Brother" I come out of nowhere, and I notice Father and Brother have stopped eating. I even observed the maids stop what they were doing and stare at me with concern. 'You can do it, your highness!' I can even feel Allea's aura whispering.

I gulped and felt a bit uneasy. I noticed my father and brother looking at me with a straight expression as if they were waiting for me to say something.

'They sure are scary...'


'I can do this.'

"About yesterday," I began, and I could already feel their intense stares and their brows furrowed. "I know you two are upset because I did something that caused you to worry; I'm sorry...I promise I won't do it again," I continued regretfully, making everyone look at me as if I was about to cry. I was glancing down at my twitching hands, waiting for their response. The atmosphere around us was intense, the dining room was quiet. I was still gazing at both of my hands, and I couldn't look them in the eyes. I could hear silverware clanking as somebody laid them on the plate.

"Hiroka." I flinched; when my father called me. I was still staring at my hands and didn't want to look them in the eyes.

"Hiroka, look at us," my father added, and I looked up to see my father and brother looking a little anxious.

"We already forgive you, son." 

"We already forgive you, Hiroka."

My father and brother remarked at the same time with a happy expression that calmed my nerves. I felt relieved.

"We've already heard about the matter from your maid and Paladin, so we forgive you." My father added with a relieved look.

"We're glad you're safe," Brother said that made me relieved more, "Ahem anyway," I heard my brother added, and I looked at him, as well as my father and the servants who were watching and listening. "Keep your word, Hiroka, don't do anything dangerous again," my brother said, and I nodded and smiled. I noticed my father and brother smiling at my response, and I noticed the other servants cheering quietly. I sensed a presence in my ear, and it was Allea, she spoke to my left ear. "I'm glad, your highness; we're happy for you." I gave her a broad smile and continued to devour the remaining pancakes. When my father and brother noticed this, they proceeded to eat as well.

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