Chapter 21: Daichi Goro (2)

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"Then I'll begin performing magic on your earring, so please excuse me, Your highness," Daichi said as he stood up from his seat and approached my earring. He stretched his arms and performed magic on it.

I could feel his dark magic beside me as he began, but he abruptly stopped and appeared stunned. I looked at him, confused, and asked what was wrong. Daichi recovered from his surprise and responded.

"Ah... Oh no, nothing wrong at all," he replied continuing to perform magic on my earring.To be honest, I can protect myself with the blessing of the light magic given to me, but I don't have much power to be able to use magic for so long. Light and dark are the most powerful magics of each race, but they are also the most difficult to wield and train.

Daichi Goro was a brilliant young man who drew a lot of attention to himself. He was also dubbed a genius for his ability to wield such dark magic.

"There, all done," he said gladly as he returned to his seat and took a sip of his tea.

"The magic I fused on your earring will only help you once, so be careful and beware of danger; if someone attacks you, it will automatically protect you from my magic and connect through me if my magic I fused on that earring is used," he explained, and I only nodded and sipped the last of my tea.


It's been an hour. We're still in the living room, discussing how brother and brother Daichi are doing in school. Brother didn't talk much about himself at school, so I asked the future duke, Daichi Goro, how their day was there.

Daichi mentions how serious and cold his brother was when he spoke with other nobles. Nobles continue to approach and take advantage of him, despite his cold demeanor, but he simply lets them be and remains vigilant. During lessons, he also won sword duels. Daichi told me that he and his brother were tied in the duel, which irritated him. And it caused me to work up a sweat.

As we discussed, whenever he starts talking about his brother, he always says, "your idiot brother." I'm not sure why he keeps saying that, but I'll just pretend I'm not aware of it.

"So, Brother Daichi, is school enjoyable?" I questioned, my eyes gleaming. Daichi looks at me for a split second before his face dims.

"No," he stated flatly. I just blinked at his response and tilted my head in confusion.

"There is no way school is fun... I literally hate being told what to do all day long by instructors, and those nobles classmates are annoying; I'd rather go do magic or hang out with your idiot brother and be lazy," he continued as I blinked again at his response.

"I see..." I chuckled slightly.

Indeed, school isn't a fun place to be. Nobles dislike being told what to do, such as work on projects or assignments. Or some students want to be with their parents, others don't want to get up early, and still, others despise education, but students will soon realize that education is important for everyone, including adults.

For me, the only reason school is enjoyable is because...there are CLUBS! In my previous life, I would always get up early to go to school and then go straight to the Music Club to meet my members. It was so much fun. But, in any case, there are clubs in this world as well. But I'm not sure if that magical academy has any music clubs. All I know about the academy's clubs are the cooking club, which the heroine joined, and the sword fighting club, which Brother, Daichi, and the Demon Prince joined.

I was about to ask Daichi if there was a music club at school when we both started talking at the same time.

"Brother Daichi-"
"Your highness-"

We stared for a while before laughing.

"Your highness, please lead the way," he said, motioning for me to go first.

"Then... Is there a-" I was interrupted by a bang on the door? We both looked for the source of the noise, and it was my brother who slammed the door open.

"Hiro!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with delight, and Daichi and I were too stunned to respond.

I'm sure Daichi wanted to tell him to be more polite when entering the door and not just barging in without knocking, but he couldn't. He was, after all, the Crown prince.

"Brother.... we've got a visitor," I sighed. Brother turned to face Daichi, and what he said next made me sweatdrop.

"Oh right... I forgot you were here, Daichi," he said calmly.

I noticed Daichi had a ticked mark on his forehead.

"So, brother, why are you here, and are you done teaching with Riku?" I asked, hoping to get rid of Daichi's annoying atmosphere.

"I came here to see you if Daichi did a perfect job," he said, and Daichi grew another ticked mark on his face, but his face remained calm.

"And Riku, I told him to keep swinging swords on the training ground," he went on, and I nodded.

'To think he finally said his name instead of saying 'that guy' ,' I reflected, smiling.

"But anyway," he said as he approached me and examined the earring.

"Good job, Daichi," he said, smiling as he continued to look at my earring.

"Ahem... it's my pleasure to assist the second prince, your highness," he replied cheerfully as the irritating pressure in him dissipated.

"And your highness," Daichi continued, leaving me and the Crown Prince confused.

"Can I speak to you privately? I need to tell you something," he continued solemnly, causing Brother to become solemn as well.

'What could they possibly be discussing? But, in any case, it was none of my business to listen in.' I thought as I slowly rose from my seat.

"Because it's too private to discuss, I'll leave first; let's talk another time, brother Haru." Daichi nodded and I looked at my brother. "I'll go see Riku and watch him practice his swing," I said and smiled at him, to which he nodded.

Allea led me out of the room, where she was still standing beside the fully opened door. As soon as we stepped outside the leaving room, Allea shut the door and directed me to the Training Ground.

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