EXTRA Chap (2)

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Haru Callisto's POV (Crown Prince)

When I was young, I learned that my mother had a fragile constitution and that there was a chance she would pass away during a subsequent pregnancy. My mother's survival after giving birth to me was a miracle, but she still experienced some deterioration in her health.

Even though she appeared to be in poor health, she continued to smile and looked well in the end.

Mother eventually recovered her health as the weeks, months, and finally, years went by.

I even got to meet this Goro Family boy. He went by Daichi. He'll be the future duke, and we're both the same age.

We got along well. Together, we laughed and played. And the thing about Daichi that I knew the most was... While I was more focused on swords than magic, he was particularly obsessed with mastering magic. We had distinct learning obsessions.

A beautiful childhood it was. My life was fantastic. Of course, my mother, father, and I shared some really special moments together, but despite making friends, I still occasionally felt a little lonely.

But then I noticed that some nobility have what is referred to as "siblings." I was constantly staring at them, and they were content.

Relying on one another, lending a hand more, laughing together, sharing things, and having a sibling-like love for one another...

I accidentally said, "I want a sibling," somehow.

The fact that other aristocrats had siblings to play with every day made me a little envious.


Throughout a little more than a year, I occasionally overheard my father speaking and other people conversing in a room.

In that room, what I heard utterly perplexed me. When I peeked inside, I noticed a mother, a father, a man, and a woman. They were conversing joyfully.

"Your Majesty, once more, please accept my regards," a woman said.

Mother: "HAHA, Thank you."

Woman: "We'll begin today's renovations by focusing on the empty side of the palace."

Man: "I'm eager to find out if it will be a prince or princess."

Father: "No matter what, I'm confident it's going to be a beautiful child."

I immediately understood what they were discussing just from hearing what they were saying.

Without knocking, I simply entered. I was just too surprised and concerned to hear it, though I guess I was a little pleased to have a sibling at last. If the mother was going to give birth again, I already knew she had a fragile constitution. I have no idea what will occur. What on earth were they thinking?

Without thinking, I just blurted, "Mother!"

My mother exclaimed, obviously delighted, "Oh Haru, seems like you finished with your lessons, and guess what? You'll be a Big Brother!" My father also grinned. Simply put, I'm at a loss for words.

"You won't be lonely as you grow up, Haru, and I know you want a sibling too, therefore your Father and I decided it."

When she stated those things with her mouth, I was utterly taken aback. It was then that I realized I shouldn't have said things that day because it was certain to me that my mother had been standing next to me the entire time and had heard him.

Mother appeared to be in good shape, but I knew that she was internally pained and uneasy. I recently developed self-hatred for hurting my mother as a result of my stupidity. I also expressed my resentment toward the child who made my mum uncomfortable inside the womb.

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