Chapter 13: Sing

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Hiroka's POV

My vision was still fuzzy as I gently opened my eyes. I sit up from a soft fabric I used to lay down and rub my eyes a little to get rid of the blurriness in my eyes. As my vision recovered from the blurriness, I discovered myself in my room.

'Right, I fell asleep.'

When I peeked out the window, the sky was still dark. The moon and stars shone brightly in the sky. I want to keep looking, but my viewpoint isn't good enough. I need to get outside.

I got out of bed and walked outside my room, carefully opening and closing the doors. At this hour, I suppose the people within this palace are sleeping. I want to get some fresh air and gaze at the stars. It's sort of dull sitting, standing, or reading a book all night in my room. I can't go back to sleep since the sky is so lovely that you can't even ignore it.

 I'm now outside the palace, seeking a place to sit and gaze at the lovely night sky. The palace was peaceful, and the breeze was cool and refreshing. This is what I always wanted like you were a free person. Free from sickness and get your freedom rather than being confined to a hospital bed with tubes and needles. Not allowed to even step out from that place but now that I am here I can finally feel it.

I was strolling and I didn't even realize I was in a garden. The flowers were lovely. Near the flowers, I noticed a bench. I went over there and sat down. I'm feeling the breeze and smelling the flowers. As I accomplished this, I smiled. I saw the flowers moving through the wind, they were sort of dancing, and the wind appeared to be singing.





'Right, singing.....It's been a while since I sang.'

I'm now pondering what to sing. To think clearly, I crossed my arms and looked up at the night sky. Looking up at the night sky helped me think a lot. It makes me feel protected and relaxed. Then suddenly, something comes to mind.

I was planning to sing this with Aki, but I'm afraid I won't be able to. I like this song a lot, and I've spent a lot of time fantasizing on a hospital bed or even a million times over about the life or being I desire for myself. "Million Dreams" was the song. In a previous life, I heard and saw this song in the film The Greatest Showman.

I prepared myself by opening my lips, and then I began to sing.

After I had finished singing, when I heard a crack, I jolted in my seat. I looked on where I heard the sound and spotted Riku stepping on a branch. I was stunned, and I noticed that he was also stunned as well.

'Why is he here?'

I noticed him wearing nice clean clothing today, as compared to before. The maids did an excellent job. He was a little nervous and wanted to walk away, but I stopped him when I started to talk.

"Why are you here?"

Riku's POV


I was a little nervous that I couldn't respond directly. I haven't talked to anyone in a long time, but this will be the second time we chat alone. I'm still not used to people since I've spent my entire life living alone in those dark alleys.

I came here in the garden since I spotted so many flowers blooming out the window when I arrived at the guest room. The view of the garden is totally visible to me. I couldn't believe how gorgeous everything was until the sun went down. I've decided to go to the garden till midnight since everyone will be sleeping. I have a strong desire to visit there. Even though I had to get permission, I have a feeling they would say no, so I decided to go there at midnight because I want to be alone in a place where flowers blossom. To breathe in some fresh air and enjoy the lovely scent of flowers. About a minute, I heard a lovely voice. I followed the sound and discovered that it belonged to a person named Hiroka. Since I arrived here, I've learned a little bit about him. He was the Callisto Kingdom's second prince. Some of the servants who helped me bathe, change clothes and brought me food to eat said he was a nice prince. That time, too, when we met in an alley with his knight and his maid. Allea, the maid, leaned close to whispering in my ear. I was surprised when she whispered to me, 'I have a feeling you'll be living with us at the palace.' I believe the highness will give you home.' I was initially perplexed and was taught that 'that would never happen.'

Listening to the prince's voice, I was taken aback. This was the first time I heard someone sing with such a lovely voice. I was drawn to his voice.

I noticed the prince, who was waiting for me to respond. I began to feel anxious because I came here without their permission but still I began to open my mouth again to answer him. I don't want to keep him waiting too long because I still haven't answered his question. And because he's a prince, I can't resist answering his question.

"I wanted to gaze at the flowers in this garden since they were beautiful and smelled nice. I apologize for entering here without permission, Your highness"  I said with a slight bow and waited to see what happened next. I was expecting to be punished when he said something that shocked me.

"It's fine, you may remain here longer and gaze around the flowers if you wish."  I quickly straightened up and looked at him with a shocked expression. He merely smiled at me, which confused and astonished me. He noticed my expression and said something that left me speechless.

"Riku, there's no need for you to get permission for us; this place is free, and people like you can come here whenever you want; you can stay here longer and gaze at the flowers...That's what my father said, but those words did not come from him; they came from my mother. This garden was built here for people who wanted to relax or relieve some stress; it's for everyone. This garden may belong to us, but we built it to make people smile." I was still speechless after hearing what he said. I noticed him smiling and looking up at the night sky. Just seeing him in that state. He has the appearance of a moon. I merely smiled.

'He's interesting.'

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