Chapter 18

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Guys, I'm back! Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern about my situation, as well as those who have commented on it. Thank you for your patience as you waited for an update from me. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Allea's POV

"That was fun," I said gleefully, and I noticed Riku flinch. Not sure; why, but perhaps he's still not used to traveling in the carriage...?

I stretched my arms upward after wandering around and using my arms for so long to pick up clothes for Riku.

We were now inside the carriage, our things we bought on the floor and ready to arrive at the palace. The journey had been peaceful until Riku abruptly spoke up.

"Hey, I've been wanting to ask you."


"Prince Hiroka..."As he stated that, I became confused and wondered what Riku was thinking about the highness second prince.

'Does it have anything to do with staying in the palace...?'

"What about his Highness the Second Prince?"

"From what I've heard, Hiroka was sick...What exactly is the illness?"



3rd Person POV 

The carriage trip got silent. The half-human/half-elf who asked the question was willing to know the answer, while the maid was taken aback by his question. She tried to say something, but nothing came out of her mouth. The maid's expression was sad as she remembered the second prince being poisoned. Callisto's second prince, Hiroka Isamu Callisto, was cherished by his family. To think that in his teens, someone attempted to kill the second son of the most powerful king in the human realm, especially a very sweet and innocent boy.

The maid who had remained silent, as well as the half-human and half-elf who had been waiting for the second prince's personal maid to respond, eventually opened her lips. After all, Riku, the half-human/half-elf, will be residing at the palace and serving as his highness the second prince's personal knight. As a result, the half-human/half-elf has a right to know. "The highness second prince...was poisoned," the maid eventually said, and the young boy was taken aback.

"Poisoned...?" the youngster said, while the maid just nodded.

"About a week ago, the highness second prince was enjoying a delicious meal with his family." The maid began to relate the story with a sorrowful expression on her face.

"Then suddenly, The Highness Second Prince coughed out so loud. I wasn't there on that scene, but my friend who witnessed it told me that they thought it was just that he choked on his own food, but it turned out wrong. The servants and the rest of the Callisto family who was there saw The Highness Second Prince suddenly coughed out blood, passed out, and fell on his own seat. Luckily, the highness, the crown prince caught him in time."


The ride began to get silent once more, and then the youngster named Riku spoke for about a second. He was serious and calm.

"What type of poison is it, and what about the person who poisoned him?"

"...Actually, no one knows what kind of poison it is, and there isn't any cure for it; even the expert doctor who examined The Highness Second Prince didn't know. I heard that the poison was rare and deadly in the body; however, it was a miracle that The Highness survived. We were told that the poison on his body had slowly spread throughout his entire body as if time had stopped, but sadly, The Highness Second Prince continues to cough up blood and that his body is quite frail. In his current state, he is unable to use his powers... And, unfortunately, the person who poisoned it...The person was never found like a mist that vanished into thin air. Even the guards observed nothing suspicious. The King was furious, as was the Crown Prince because no guards could discover that person."


"...I see..." That's all the boy said after hearing the news of The Highness Second Prince's being poisoned; The half-elf and half-human boy was deep in thought, while the maid was only staring out the carriage window with a mournful expression. Their action continued as they arrived at the palace.

"Good to see you again, guys." The two arrivals heard someone speak and realized it was none other than the highness second prince, who was overjoyed to see them. He was accompanied by Alfred Shio, the butler.

The Highness Second Prince, who had just finished his lesson with his personal tutor, greeted them when they arrived. Hiroka, the Second Prince, was overjoyed and couldn't wait to see them when a maid informed him that they had finally arrived at the palace.

As the two arrivals came outside from the carriage. Servants went straight to the carriage to retrieve the items they had purchased. 

Allea and Riku bow their heads in honor of the second prince. Hiroka was a little uneasy when he saw Riku bowing for honor because it was the first time he had seen Riku bow to him. He wasn't accustomed to seeing it. Except for when they were in the garden and Riku bowed to him in apology, but this time was different.

"How was the shopping?" asked the second prince, and Riku flinched and sweated slightly. Hiroka noticed his reaction and wondered why he was acting so strangely, but he already knew what it was because Allea was his personal maid after all.

"T-that...I..." Riku was having difficulty saying it, so Allea assisted him.

"Your highness, the shopping was enjoyable, and Riku and I had a great time."

"I...I see then that's great," Hiroka responded. "You two should rest up because you must have been tired from shopping," he went on.

"As you wish,  your highness," the maid bowed before assisting the other servants in picking up the stuff they had purchased.

When the Second Prince noticed Riku about to assist Allea and the other servants, he intervened. He had just remembered something important to tell him, he called him and invited him to join him for a short walk. The second prince wishes to speak with him about about him staying at the palace and being his personal knight. The second prince wants to know whether he wants it or not.

"...Sure," Riku answered as he followed Hiroka to where they were going, which turned out to be the garden.

As they approached the garden, Hiroka, the second prince, sat on a nearby bench and patted the seat beside him, inviting Riku to join him. Riku, of course, followed, and the only thing heard was the breeze of the wind. The flowers were stunning, as they always are, and even more so given how well they are cared for. It is partly due to the palace's care. The flowers were dancing with the wind, which was soothing to watch until the prince finally spoke.

"I'm sure you're struggling with Allea's morning shopping." The Prince initiated the shopping discussion first.

Riku flinched in his seat as he remembered shopping with Allea.

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