Chapter 12: Getting checked again

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"When he uses magic, the poison slowly spreads in his body, and he coughs up more blood than before," the doctor revealed.

"It also takes some years to totally spread the poison in its entire body, but some rest and not using magic will sorta halt the poison in place." While sitting near my bed, he was studying me. Alfred was paying attention to everything the doctor said while I was lying down. The maids had already left the room when the doctor began checking me.

"While we wait for the antidote," he stood up and looked Alfred in the eyes, "he can attend school when he turns 16, or perhaps some fresh air or light exercise would do to also reduce the aches in his body and prevent his body from becoming weak, but he needs a company like a knight would do to ensure the highness will be safe if something might happen." Alfred nodded, and I began to get excited when I heard the word school. With this, I can persuade my father and brother to attend school instead of staying at the palace. And I can now keep the heroine away by performing her skims.

"Thank you, doctor," Alfred said, and the doctor nodded and turned to face me.

"Your highness, I'm leaving now; I hope you don't use magic the next time," the doctor said, as sweat dripped from the corner of my forehead.

"Y-yes, doctor, I'll keep that in mind," I said.

The doctor nodded at my response and exited the room. After the doctor had departed, I sighed and then recalled that I hadn't gotten the doctor's name.

"Alfred," I called out to Alfred, who was now staring at me.

"Yes, your highness?"

"What was the name of the doctor?" I inquired.

"His name is Johann, your highness."

"Oh, I see..."




'This is awkward...' 

In Hiroka's memory, he had not spoken to Alfred since he was a youngster, and he didn't even know his name. Even though he saw Alfred every day with his father and brother; And now that I've been reincarnated in this body with a deadly poison, I got his name and we have talked twice. Today and yesterday, but Alfred is still too quiet, and I'm at a loss as to what to do with him. He's a little mysterious if you ask me. In the novel, Alfred was not mentioned in the story since the novel was all about the heroine, who turned out to be a b*ch-head.

I sighed once more. I'm getting a headache just thinking about the heroine in the story who turns out to be a villain.

"Your highness, I should leave immediately; I will notify His Majesty and His Highness, the Crown Prince of your condition; You should rest today," Alfred stated.

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