A Tormented Game Of Hide And Seek: Part Two. CHAPTER NINTEEN

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The note proclaims quite a strange imagery, resembling a sort of scripture unlike anything I'd seen before. To me it appears that the person who transcribed the characters haven never written English letters, indicating that it can't be anyone from Earth who left this on the table. The letters are slightly distorted, making it difficult for me to decifer the message.

With silence I know this can't be a trap just yet, so I grab ahold of the thick parchment and stride over to the light above the sink. It takes much longer to scan through, but when I'm finished I can't believe my eyes, hoping that I read it incorrectly. This letter can't be intended for me, can it? I become even more suspicious, clenching it in my hand and reading it once more:

Our little monster,

Your story is beginning to form beneath our fingertips just as it was prophesied. Our men have located the werewolf pack who may hold hostage a man you are supposed to meet. Good news for you little one, we have recently joined forces with this pack in exchange for this man. Once you both are in our hands we will present him as a final guift to you.

If you remember correctly, he may be the man to complete your death ceremony. Please take into consideration that this vampire may or may not be the man you're meant to love. There is only one other candidate we are still searching for. Spend your time wisely, you don't have much longer to live.

The message haunts me in every way possible. Even when I hear someone stirring from upstairs, getting to their feet, and leaving the room, I continue to stand with my eyes gaping at the parchment. My conscience wants to refuse to believe everything the Hunters have written in this letter. There's no way they're almost ready for this ceremony, I'm not prepared! I need more time, I need to flee, I need a plan!

The second thought competing with the first is the mentioning of this man, not because he's the last piece to the ceremony but the fact that he exists in the first place. It gives me shivers that they expect this stranger and I to be in love, or for him to be part of my future. How can they know the future, even if it was foretold? And for him to be a vampire? Of all people, I couldn't love someone who drinks blood! How could I even speak to this creature?

The sound of thick metal hitting against metal makes me jump out of my skin, even though I'm on the other end of the estate. A deadbolt opening means only one thing, somebody has decided to secretly discharge themselves from our group to some sort of independent rescue mission. I only know this because Estelle and Lynn wouldn't go off alone. They'd be together.

With the abnormally coarse paper in hand I impulsively run out of the kitchen not caring that I need to be silent in case a wolf is close enough to identify me. Upon my arrival to catch the Elyrian in the act, it's too dark for me to recognize the figure. I can only see them standing infront of the door, frozen in time.

"Don't leave..." I sputter stopping dead in my tracks, expecting the person to turn around but they don't. They only stay dead in their tracks, whispering, "You found something."

It's Koda, I should've known.

I forget all about catching him in a flee and open my mouth to speak, "How would you know?" I blink down to the paper in my hand.

"I know you too well."

I want to argue that I hadn't said anything, that he didn't even see the paper in my hands; but I don't. The only thought really spinning through my mind is an unforgettable memory of the head Hunter of the building, when he told me:

"Your death with be a ceremony, along side with the man you love."

This must be a joke, "I love nobody."

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora