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With my body suddenly not functioning properly in connection to my brain I'm fumbling at the sounds of a creature coming in our direction. Abe tells us we need to get out of here but with the amount of keys scattered all over the floor I can't find the right one to the last jail cell we need to unlock.

"We're not leaving anyone behind." Jane announces.

My eyes catch a glimpse of a key that is furthest away from me. I sigh of relief, thinking it's the only key I haven't touched yet. I flip it over, only to find it's not the right cell number after all.

Abe sounds panicked from the other end of the room, "What do you want me to do here?"

"Hold it off!" Jane instructs with a glare past me at Abe who's shutting the door.

With the two strangers marching in on us and instantly acting like they know the place I assumed they'd have everything handled. Now I'm not so dependent on Abe if he's acting so unsure. Another thought crossing my mind is why the two don't have back up. Maybe they have walked into a more serious manner than they originally imagined?

As I keep my eye on Abe, no sort of relief washes over me knowing the door is now shut. At the sound of the werewolf at the door I know better to assume it can't knock the door down. I also recall the sickening fear I felt when the Elyrian dogs first came to the estate.

It stars with this pit in my stomach...

Quickly my grandfather crosses my peripheral vision, he takes charge and picks out a key. The intriguing man doesn't bother to glance down to check at the number. He sticks the key into the lock while my curious mind questions what his power is again. It clicks open as the sounds of our angry enemy increases outside.

With the werewolf grunting and banging on the door, our last member of the group is freed. The sickening fear I recall comes back like it never left from hours ago. My body begins hyperventilating knowing I have a low chance of getting out of here.

Estelle and Lynn embrace each other, while I on the other hand am focused on the front door swinging free off its hinges and back into the daylight. The girls instantly scream, while Jane stumbles backwards into the wall.

Abe doesn't flee but instead slowly kneels and bows his head down to the furry figure, making peace for a few moments. It's black sphere eyes blink up and down, past him and only staring into my soul. Shivers run down my back and I can feel the hair on my neck stand up on end.

Without warning the monster leaps over Abe, who is still on a knee. It runs at me and within a second it's only inches from me. My ears perk, listening to everyone behind me cornering themselves into the back of the room.

The werewolf comes to a striking halt, making me flinch. I stumble backwards, recovering from the assumption it was going to collide with my patite body.

A thought comes to my mind, "Jane..."

I step backwards, practically being consumed by the sight that there is no exit behind me. The werewolf sneaks forward ever so slightly. I can just imagine the figure teasing me, ready to pounce. But the stillness makes me more uneasy. The werewolf only flinches at me once, like a dog ready to play; but this game is much more dangerous than with any sized Earthen dog.

Sounds of howls ring through the air, making me believe that more have come out to assist the lone wolf. Creeping four legged animals outside come from a distance, trying to sneak up on us but my ears win this time. The werewolf in front of me waits for me to make a move and all I do is whisper, "There's more..." I inhale deeply, "They're coming."

A second jump at me makes me back up into the cell door that we left ajar, it swings back at me with a creak and I trip; my ankle throbbing from the pain of the bashing. This causes the wolf to take my vulnerability to its advantage and knock me off my feet, falling to my knees in an attempt to regain my balance.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now